Tobirama Oneshot!

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Tobirama x Fun!Fem!Reader
Requested by:QueenRhubarb. This is If you guys switched bodies! Sorry if it's not exactly as you wanted. Enjoy

2nd PoV

"Tobirama! How are ya buddy?" You ask throwing your arm over his shoulder.

You are surprisingly a part of the Hyuuga clan main branch. Despite them always nagging you to act seriously you always brush them off.

"I would have been better if you hadn't decided to bother me" He says studying a scroll.

"Don't be like that! You know you love me!" You say with a bright smile.

He scoffs at you before pushing you off. You land on the floor but notice the scroll on your way down.

"What is the scroll about?" You ask getting back up. You peer over his shoulder only to see a bunch of instructions and directions.

"It is a body switching jutsu, I made it and have yet to find anyone to volunteer to help me" Tobirama answers moving your face.

"I cwan hewlp" You offer muffled by his hand. He quickly wipes his hand on your shoulder and looks at you with disgust.

"Hmph, fine" he says moving to the exit of his lab.

Your eyes brighten up and you follow him eagerly. "So do we need anything special? Like flowers or monkeys?" You ask stupidly.

Tobirama rolls his eyes and just puts his palm out. "Channel some chakra into my palm and we can begin" he says looking at you with cold eyes.

You nod and move your chakra to the end of your hand and put your hand into his. You smile and hold his hand.

'It feels so warm and cool like warm water!' You say mentally.

"Snake, tiger, rat, dragon, boar, dog" Tobirama says doing half of the hand signs with his other hand.

You feel his hand slightly grip yours. You smile and slightly tighten your hold.

All of a sudden you feel a shock all over your body. You unconsciously flinch before re-opening your eyes.

"Tobirama?" You ask. 'Wait my voice isn't that deep..' You note.

"[Y/n]? Are you alright?" A small, gentle voice asks.

You turn your head to the left and see you looking slightly worried but annoyed at you.

"Ah! What the fuck!?" You yell letting go of your hand and moving slightly away.

"Oh wait, the jutsu worked" You say before looking down at the scroll.

"Lets undo it, I would hate to have to act like you" Tobirama says looking up at you.

"Aww...Can we go visit a few places before though? We can change back after sun down!" You say with a smile on your face.

"No, if people suddenly see the sudden personality change they will grow suspicious" Tobirama says looking away.

"C'mon! Only for today! After that I'll be!" You plead.

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