Scenario: You/he wants Kids Pt2🍋

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Tobirama (your PoV)

" do I ask Tobi if he wants a child?" I ask innocently. She looks at me with a disgusted, disappointed face.

"What?" I ask. She sighs and Pat's me on the head. "Just ask him at dinner alright?" She says and leaves. "Hm, I guess" I mumble.

When Tobi gets home he seems tired and stressed. I naturally start making dinner while he is being a clingy baby.

"Tobi, I want a child" I say. His head shoots up and I feel his gaze on me. "I suppose, I do need a Senju heir" he whispers. I pat his head and smile gently.

"After dinner?" "Yes"


When dinner finally finishes I push Tobi to a nearby futon and I remove his clothing swiftly. I look at him up and down.

"You look so delicious Tobi~ I can't wait to eat you whole~" I tease.

He grunts in response. I smirk and play with his nipples with one hand. With the other hand I touched his hard dick. He grunts and gently moans.

"I'm going to make this feel good~" I whisper in his ear. He grunts and I slip his dick into my hole. Unconsciously it slams into my prostrate and I moan loudly.

Tobi flips us around and he starts to thrust harder inside of me. "A-ah~ Ah~ Ah~" I moan. "T-tobi!~ I-I'm!~" I feel his dick start to grow. I let all of my cum out of me and it landed on Tobi's Dick.

I slump on him and and my head rests on Tobi's shoulder.

⚠️End of Lemon⚠️

"Try to stay awake a little longer" Tobi mumbles as he picks me up and into the bath. "Its leaking.." I say into his ear.

"Don't encite me" Tobirama says. I pout but nod.


"(Name)-Chan! I have a question!" One if my Clan members say. I look at her and nod. "When will you have a da-daughter?" She asks. My face goes red.

"Uhm, I don't really know?" I answer. "Can you hurry? I know Izu-chan Married into the family but I want a kid running around!" She says. 'Is this truly a 8 year old?' I mentally deadpanned.

"I'll think about it" I mumble as I start to leave.

"Children now a days are so weird" I mumble.

I notice an Uchiha following me in the trees. I ignore them until they get in front of me. They glare at me and I glare back.

"The Heir wants to see you" it says. It activates the sharingan and I activate the Byakugon.

It blinks and I move quick enough so that I am near the house.

I start to walk nearer to the house until I reach the front door. "I'm ho-The hell?" I say. There are Rose's on the floor weird long things and restraints in colorful colors.


"Did someone break inside the house?" I ask to myself. "Shit, Izuna?!" I yell. I try to get away from the strange objects but only end up caught in them.

"These things can sense chakra" I noted. "(Name)!~ I'm glad you showed up~" Izu flirts.

"Mhm, what are these for anyways?" I ask. One if the toys start moving and touching me. I start to squirm a bit by that. "Izuna, you're horny aren't you?" I ask. He eagerly nods and starts to strip me.

"I really want to do this (Name), do you want to do this with me?" He asks. I sigh and nod.

"I got Tobi to create a seal to make you pregnant" he whispers as starts to strip. (Just in case if you're a male)

One of the toys enter me and I gasp. "Eep!" I say unconsciously. Izuna smirks and brings his dick in my face. "Suck" he demands. I oblige and suck all of him.

He grunts and moans quite a bit. A bit after he comes into my mouth and I refuse to gagg. Instead I swallow it and he gives me a proud look.

"Good job (N/n)~ Let me handle the rest now~" he says. I nod and the toy inside of me disappears.

I let out a sigh of relief. Not even a second later Izuna slams inside of me and hits my prostrate. "A-AH!~~~" I moan with Pleasure and pain mixed inside of me.

"You ready?" He asks. I slowly nod and he starts to thrust in and out. I moan loudly and he licks my nipples and plays with my hair.

I feel a pent up feeling stir and I latch on to Izuna. "I-I feel weird!" I say. Izuna licks my ear and I can feel his smirk. "Good, try and let it go" he says.

I try and let it go and with in a few seconds I feel liquids touch my thighs.

⚠️End of Lemon⚠️

The restraints let me go and I can fully latch on to Izuna. "I'm tired" I mumble.

"I just took your virginity~" he says. I glare at him and limp to the bathroom and start the water.

"I'll bathe you, just sleep" He says. I tiredly nod and drift into sleep.

Just a quicky, Madara gets pregnant by a seal that he stole from Tobirama and put on himself near his lower back. He activates it before yall have seggs. So yeah.

912 words

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