Scenario: Night Terrors

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Hashirama (He gets Nightmares) His PoV

It's cold. I see it's dark. I feel like I am falling.

"(F/n)! Tobi-chan!" I yell. I need them. They can help me.

"Ladies and Gentlemen here is the worst Hokage to ever exist!" I hear.

I turn around and see that I am in front of the village.

"Look at our new Hokage!" I see someone walking up on stage.

"And his (S/o)!" I look at the stage and See (F/n) covered in powders looking like a stick.

"That man is horrible! I once was with him! But he is absolutely Useless!!" They yell.

Everyone starts throwing stuff at me.

"Wait I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I yell.

"Hashi! Wake up!" I hear.

"(F/n)! I'm sorry!" I say. My eyes snap open.

"Hashi? Are you okay? You were yelling in your sleep" (F/n) says.

I hug them tightly. "I had a bad dream, blossom" I whisper. They hug back and comfort me.

"I'll stay with you okay?" They say and I nod.

Madara(He Gets a Nightmare)
His PoV

"Madara, why did you let us die? Didn't you love us? You are so mean to the clan" Voices tell me. I know these voices all to well.

"It wasn't my fault! I..I-"

"You were to slow to save us, if you were fast enough then you wouldn't be in this situation" the voices say.

"That (S/o) you have will die becuase of how slow you are~" My dead Comrades say.

"Why are you bothering me!? Why must you haunt me?!" I yell at them.

"You are not needed in the clan"
"You will die a pitiful death"
"You will not have an heir"
"Your brother will die"
"Your (S/o) will-"

I wake up quickly. I don't feel (___) anywhere on the futon.

"(___)!" I yell. I run out if the room and in the kitchen.

They are making breakfast and seems to be making some tea.

"Yes Love? Is there something wrong?" They ask.

I bring them close for a hug and a Kiss.


"Just...Just don't do anything stupid when your out on a mission" I mumble as I nuzzle their neck.

They rub circles around my back and nod.

"Did you have a Nightmare?"
"Yes I did"

Tobirama(You get a Nightmare) Your PoV

I was being chased by an Unknown monster. It killed Tobirama, Madara and Hashirama.

Nee-san sacrificed herself for me to get away from it.

Naomi was healing Nee-san and she also died there.

'I'm alone, I'm alone, I'm alone' I mentally say.

It is one of the many things I hate.
That's why I busy myself to heal patients or help teach new Medical Ninjas.

"You can run but you will never be able to hide~" the monster says.

"Stay back!" I yell as I throw a Kunai. It goes through the monster and grabs Tobi's dead body and He starts attacking me.

"T-tobi!" I yell as I jump up.

"Yes dear?"

"O-oh, nothing sorry" I mumble.

Tobi moves closer and looks me dead in the eye.

"Nightmare?" "Yeah"

Izuna(You get a Nightmare)
Your PoV

I wake up in My compound. Everyone seemed to bury themselves with some weird things.

My brat of a sister looks to be having the time of her life.

"What's so special about today?" I ask one of my clan member.

They seem to ignore me and when I go to touch them they glare at me.

"Weird, where did all the children go?" I ask myself.

I turn to look for my wonderful tiny clan members. but when I found them outside they all cowered in fear.

"Hey, its (Name) remember? Your best Babysitter" I say.

One of them throws a rock and the others follow this kids lead.

"Get out of here! You aren't welcomed in this clan! Now get out!!" One of the 12 year olds yell.

I walk out of the property.

"Why are they so mean? Maybe I should go home" I mumble.

As I was heading home the Uchiha clan starts throwing stuff at me.

'This is getting annoying' I deadpanned.

"Izu I'm ho-whats with the papers?" I ask.

Izuna turns to me and gives me some pitiful glare.

'I swear I will hammer him into the ground' I mentally say.

"Divorce papers, are you that blind?" He says.

My eyes widened. I ball up my fists.

"No, I will not allow this" I say.

"Its not up to you, the Hokage has already said yes you whore" Izuna insults.

"Is it because of my temper? Or is it because I say curse words? I can change but you ju-"

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!" Izu yells.


I wake up and stare at Izuna blankly.

"Yeah? And?" I ask.

"I was getting worried, you just started to cry and You wouldn't wake up and-"

"Its okay, let's cuddle now, You haven't cuddled me in 2 weeks.

I was starting to lose hope for this one since I couldn't really think of anything to put. But it worked out so that's good.

877 Words

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