Izuna Oneshot

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Prince!Izuna x princess!Tomboy-ish!Fem!Reader
(Royalty Au!)
Not requested but I have a sudden want for a Royalty au. If you request a chapter like this it's a no, Sorry. Anyways Hope you enjoy!

Your PoV

"Ugly!! Why are you just staring at your food? Does it disgust ya or somethin?" Brother yells/asks.

"(B/n)! Manners dear!" Mum yells smacking him gently.

"Hm? Oh its nothing, I was just thinking about how much I dislike the ball Father is throwing" I say with a tone of distaste.

"Oh but dear, you will be meeting the Rulers of the Uchiha and Senju clan! They are very fa-"

"Famous I know Mum, You have been talking about it since a month ago" I say with a an annoyed sigh.

"Lighten up Bug, At least you can leave whenever you want! I have to stay put and meet everyone" Brother says throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"But I have to wear a huge ass dress, You get to wear a suit" I say.

"[Y/n], Enough with this being ungrateful attitude! You have food, clothing, a roof over your head, and family! Some People would dream of having all that you have!" Mum screams standing up and slamming her hands on the table.

'And they wonder why I don't speak what is on my mind...At least I don't cheat on my husband for one of the Guards' I mentally insult.

"Thanks for the food Sis!" Brither says and runs away with my plate in his hands.

"Fattie.." I mumble and head towards the library.

'The ball is tonight and they will want me to get ready before 4 pm it is only 12, Might as well read to past the time' I plan out mentally.

After about 3 hours

"Madam [Y/n] You look beautiful!" The maids squel.

"Thank you" I say and bow a little.

When I bring myself back up I see them all blushing and having a nose bleed.

"Madam [Y/n], The king would like you" A Guard says.

'What a bother...'

"Right, thank you" I mumble and walk to Fathers working chambers.

When I arrive there I knock gently and a small 'come in' is heard behind the doors.

"Hello Your Majesty" I say with a very sarcastic smile.

"[Y/n], I want you to look for a husband" Father says.


"[Y/n], if you fail to find a husband I will assign an entire day for the men across the kingdoms to come meet with you" Father says.

"That would be bothersome for you and Myself wouldn't it?" I say with the same tone he uses.

"[Y/n] you know it, please find a husband while your brother finds a Wife during the ball" Father says with pleading eyes.

"Yeah yeah" I mumble and walk over to him and fix his tie.

"The ball starts at sun down, please be late" Father says with a small patt on the head.


The start of the Ball

I enter the ball room with a bit of a dramatic door opening.

Everyone turns to me and starts whistling and clapping.

'No pressure...' I deadpan mentally.

'Uchiha, Senju, Aubrame, Akimichi, Nara and L/n kingdoms have arrived' I note.

"Hello Madam, would you like to dance?" The brunette king, Hashirama Senju asks.

'The hell? This man can be my brother!'

"No she won't because she is with me" The Red eyed Prince, Izuna Uchiha says bringing me closer to his chest.

I turn a light crimson and nod in agreement.

"Hmph! Uchiha..." The Albino Prince says with a glare.

"What a drag, just leave the poor las alone" The Nara king says.

"Hn" Izuna hums and pulls me to the dance floor.

"Let's dance" He says and holds my hand while his other hand finds it's way to my waist. I smile and nod, putting my other hand on his shoulder.

The music turns into a slow, romantic song and the lights get pointed on the 2 of us.

We start to dance. Our footsteps going forward, backward, left to right. It gets to a point in the song when it is the finishing finale and Izuna Twirls me around and moves his hand to my back and holds me from falling.

He smiles fondly and I couldn't help but to smile back. I start to hear cheers and cries.

Izuna let's me go and I turn around to see father and other men crying, and brother cheering very loudly.

"Thank you for dancing with me Princess [Y/n], I would like to get to know you some more, if that is alright with you" Izuna says.

"I don't see why not, would you like to get something to eat?" I ask with a small smile.

He nods and he link our arms together and walk slowly to the food area.

After about a week

"(B/n)! I think I have feelings for Prince Izuna, Ever since he arrived at the palace we have gotten closer, in fact I think we have the possibility of marrying without having any ma-"

"Sis, calm down! And stop rambling, if you want to tell hin your feelings then tell him already! Now if you excuse me I have a date with Touka Senju" He says and walks out of his room.

Just then Izuna walks in with an amused smirk. "So you love me already hm?" He questions. I turn a dark shade of red and turn away.

"Don't worry Darling, The feeling is mutual~" Izuna whispers.

"My brother has already told me that we will be getting an arranged marriage in little over 2 months, I did not want to force you to be with me so I wanted to make you fall inlove with me just as much I with you" Izuna confesses.

I gasp and give him a hug. "Thank you" I mumble.

The End

957 Words!

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