Hashirama Oneshot!

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Gambler!Hashirama x Gambler!Tomboy!protective!Uchiha!Fem!Reader

3rd person

"Y/n! I challenge you to a Gambling match! Winner can order the Loser around for 4 hours!" Hashirama challenges the Uchiha.

Y/n looks over to her cousins, Madara and Izuna. Izuna glares at the Mukudon user and Madara sighs before nodding.

"Why me? Why not Izuna or Madara?" She asks as she plops herself on the ground of the living room.

"I heard you were a really big gambler back in the war but since I never really saw you back then I couldn't really challenge you" he says.

"Hm Okay, what game are we playing?" Y/n asks. Hashirama smirks at her. "Shogi" he responds.

Izuna starts to chuckle and Madara smirks. Y/n however gives the Hokage a bored expression.

"Are you sure you want to play that game?" Y/n asks. Hashirama nods and starts setting up the game.

'I might make an impact on his gambling life if we play' Y/n deadpans.

"Alright! You know the rules?" "Yeah.."

"Y/n! Go easy on the tree!" Izuna laughs. "Don't listen to him! Go all out!"

20 minutes later, its 10 pm at night.

"I lost..." Hashi mumbles as he sulks in a corner. Izuna is laughing and crying on the floor. Madara is smirking and Y/n is bored out of her mind.

"You thought you could win against the person who would make the best plans against you Senjus during the war!" Izuna starts to slowly die of laughter.

"Hm, I guess that means I can treat you however I want in the next 4 hours huh?" Y/n asks.

Hashiramas eyes widen and Madara laughs. "Y/n, let's have Izuna dress him up" Madara suggests.

"W-wait! Wha?!" Hashirama gets dragged inside another room and Y/n is cleaning up the pieces of Shogi.

When Hashi comes back he is wearing a light pink and purple kimono and his hair is in a braid.
Madara bursts out laughing.

"My pride!" Hashirama sulks. "Hashirama your ass looks good in that kimono" Y/n comments as she lifts the kimono up quite a bit to see his ass.

"Y-Y/n!!" Hashi starts to go red and Izuna smacks her on the head.

"First order, go around Konoha in that outfit, I will be with you so you don't have to worry" Y/n says.



Hashirama hides behind the Male looking Female. "How embarrassing" he mumbles gripping on to the opened turtle neck Yukuta.

Almost instantly a male from the Sarutobi clan cat calls Hashirama making him feel uncomfortable.

"Hey~ Why don't you ditch this loser and come with me?~" he asks.

His greasy fingers start to move towards Hashirama. But before he can even touch the beautiful male, Hashirama gets pulled away.

Y/n gives this a death glare to the man. "Don't touch what's mine Peasant" She says and 'lightly' touches the man so that he is sent flying back to the Sarutobi Compound.

"Y-y/n!" Hashi exclaims but Y/n picks him up bridal style and starts hopping roof from roof.

"Hashi I love you" She says and Hasho blushes.

'This is supposed to be the other way arounda' He complains.

"I love you too Y/n" He says and kisses her.

I made myself feel so single...But that's okay because I have 2d men. Also Hashirama is a good boi that chugs the Respectful person juice and you can't change my mind.

589 Words

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