Y/n slander pt. 2

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Yes more slander because why not? There is a story at the bottom.

You must really want to read it huh?

Okay I'll stop, You are with Hashirama and Madara because you are attractive:)

You arrive at school and see a new girl holding her books with both arms and muttering something.

"Hey, are you new here? I can show you around" you say with a smile.

She looks at you with teary eyes, shocking you quite a bit.

"Did I do something?" You ask but she pushed you against a locker and runs away. Causing a whole scene.

Everyone turns to you and you sigh. "I didn't do anything!" You yell putting your hands up in a surrendering way

Eventually you go to class and sit down next to Madara and Hashirama.

"I'm telling you, that girl just pushed me and started crying!" You say putting your head on his shoulder. He frowns and patts your head in comfort.

"Alright class, meet our new student,
(Wannabe/Main/Character)" The teacher says.

You look at her and see the girl from earlier being redder than blood.

She has blonde hair and blue orbs. She dressed as if she was in middle school with a tank top and tights.

"Hashi-dude, that's her" you say nudging him. He frowns and hides behind you.


"SPEAK ALREADY!" The teacher yells already annoyed.

(W/M/C) starts to cry but nods. "M-M-MY N-N-N-NAME I-I-IS (W-W/M-M-M/C)! I-I HOPE WE ALL C-CAN BE F-F-F-F-F-FRIENDS!" It stutters.

She looks over at Hashirama and winks making a weird face while doing so.

"Ew-er anyways go sit down next to [Name]" The teacher says.

You sulk a bit before raising your hand.

"O-oh, c-can I s-s-sit s-s-s-s-somewhere e-e-else? L-l-l-l-like w-w-with a b-boy?" It speaks. The boys in the class laugh and you sulk.

"This girl is weird! [Name] is one of the most kindest person here!" A boy yelled out laughing.

"No, go sit down" The teacher says.

It walks down to the table you and your boyfriends are at and plops down right next to you.

"It stinks" you mutter bluntly moving away from it.

It looks at you and starts to cry. "T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-tt-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-TEACHER! [NAME] CALLED ME AN IT!" The thing screams and runs away.

"[Name] go comfort the girl and apologize" teach says with a smile.

You sigh and nod following after the tiny, 4'11, 3rd year. "How do I call an animal? Hm..here thingie! Come here! It?" You call out. Eventually you hear singing on the roof.

"Dear God, is she on the roof?" You ask yourself and go outside seeing her singing fight song.

"Do a flip!" You yell as she steps on literal air and falls to her death.

You see her splat to the ground and blood explodes everywhere.

"Haha, fucking bitch" you say and approach the dead body.

She twitchs but ultimately stops breathing. "Hey, sorry I guess bro" you say touching her with a looong stick before going back inside.

656 Words

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