Weird Much? Last part

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Last time! [Name]-chan gave Madara quite a beating! What will they do once they meet again?

2nd PoV

"[Name]!!! How could you!? He was my crush!!!!" Your sister screams while you are on your way back to the boarding school.

You scratch the side of your cheek. "So? He was the one who chall-" Sadly You were cut off by realizing all the dirty looks you were getting.

"[Name]! Look what you did!!! You made me reputation go from prettiest 2nd year to the sister of a dumbass!!!" Your sister yells again. She tries to hit you but you activate Ameterasu and it starts to burn her.

"(Sistersname) Don't test me, I'm in a bad mood" You say activating your eternal Mangekyo sharingan.

She starts to scream as the flames engulf her.

"Water release: Waterfall!" You hear and the flames go out quite a bit.

You scoff and scowl at the Albino Senju.

"Uchiha..." he says with a death glare.

"Tsk, 1st year" You say clearly annoyed.

"You uchihas are disgusting, killing your own families!" He taunts.

"You are all useless, your Prides get in yo-"

"Watch what you say Senju, wouldn't want you to suddenly go mute" You say, appearing before him with your sharingan swirling.

He collapses to the ground and you smirk. "Oops"

You step on his body and leave to your classes.

After school cause why not

" Madam President I do not appreciate what you did to my future brother-in-law" Tomato says.

You look over at her. "Tomato bring me to Uchiha Madara" You demand.

She sighs and nods leading you to his room.

When you enter you see him sleeping. "Tomato I dismiss you, do what you please now" You say. You hear footsteps leave and grow distant.

"Hn It seems I went to hard on you, I was quite surprised to not see you at all during school hours" You mumble moving closer to him.

You notice all of the not so well healed wounds you inflicted him.

"I guess It can't be helped, After all you did entertain me" You mumble as you sit down on a chair.

"Healing art: Ameterasu" You mumble and the once black flames turn white and devours the 2nd years body.

Slowly the flames extinguish and it leaves Madara with perfectly healed skin.

His eyes open for a second and then squeeze shut the next. He groans in distaste of the soreness he is feeling.

"Hn, you have a cute sleeping face~" You compliment.

He jumps and turns his head to your smirking face. " heal me?" He asks in a hoarse voice.

You hand him a cup of water and he downs it. "In response to your answer, I did" You say.


"Hn (Because You are intresting)"

His eyes show that same weird emotion that appeared when he asked you to spare with him.

"You beated me, then you heal me, do you like me?" He asks with a smirk growing wide.

Your smirk falters and falls and your face grows warm. Your face shows your clear confusion and Madara chuckles.

"Is the great Madam President oblivious to her own feelings?" He teases. Your face grows even more warmer but your eyes slowly harden.

You lean in close to him and give him a peck on the cheeks. Madaras eyes widen and his face turns red.

"Hn, It appears the feeling might be mutual" You say.

"Yeah, it is" He said and brings your face closer to his and he gives you a passionate kiss.

You hum and gently start brushing your fingers through his scalp.

"Hn, If this is how our spars will go why don't we spare more often?~" he asks.

You smile and wink at him. "Hn, I agree" You say and stand up to leave.

"Until next time Madara" You say and Kamui away. Leaving a soon flustered Madara hugging his blanket.

The End.
To clear some stuff up:
•the bolded parts in the previous chapter was you deepening your voice.
•You invent Kamui and Obito perfected it.

681 Words

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