Hashirama Oneshot🍋

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Hashirama x Dom!Male?Suicidal!Reader
Requested by: BlueMonkey1507. Thank you for the request!Lemon at the end.
Thank you.

2nd PoV

When You were a kid you were the smartest in the family. You had quite a bit of friends back then. Each one from another family or clan.

You were children so to you it didn't matter if they were Senju, Uchiha or whatever.

But then the village got raided by some bounty hunters and they destroyed everything.

"Tsuki!!" You cry out as your older sister gets taken by a big bounty hunter.

"Run away [Name]! Please!" She cries throwing her favorite stuffed animal. You catch it and continue to cry.

"No! I can save yo-" in a heart beat you feel pain in the back of your neck and collapse.

When you wake up you notice that it is day time and you are under a tree. "Was everything just a dream?" You think out loud.

"Sorry, but it wasn't" a voice says right in front of you. Your eyes eyes see 2 dark brown ones directly in front of you.

Your eyebrows furrow before remembering the events of last night. "Who are you?" You ask scooting away from the boy.

You noted that he had medium brown hair and you could tell he was kind. "Oh! Right I'm Senju Hashirama!" He yells.

You nod. "I am [Name] Tenassaki"(I couldn't think of a last name) you introduce.

He looks at you long and hard causing you to give him a blank stare.

Your older sister was your only sister. Sure you both fought with eachother but you still loved her.

"I know what its like loosing a sibling, I want to be your friend!" He cheers while looking away.

You nod and put your hand out as a greeting. He turned back and shaked your hand excited.

"Lets meet here around noon" He said with a smile brighter than the sun.

After that day your parents never looked at you the same way. They later had one more child and it was a boy. But you did meet up with Hashirama frequently. Sometimes to train other times to just relax and talk about nonsense.

But your parents looked at you with disgust. You (being literally only 11 when this started happening) glared right back.

A year later

"Being neglected as a child never helps growing up" you read out loud.

"The child will become resentful towards the parents and think they don't need them and often times become a people pleaser and over work themselves"

"Well isn't that obvious?" You mutter throwing the book into a nearby tree.

"[Name], I want you to meet someone!" The cheerful brunet yells from 10 feet away. You found out that Hashirama is also 12 so you were kind of relieved.

"Meet? Who?" You ask standing up and walking towards your best friend.

"[Name]! Meet Madara!" He cheers showing you a boy who looks the same age as you two.

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