Scenario: How he reacted to your death

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Hashirama, his PoV

"Hokage-sama! Please! Its...its
(F/n)-chan! She needs help!" Taida yells.

"Why? Did she set the kitchen on fire or something?" I ask not that  worried about my lovely wife/husband.

"No! There are intruders and they plan on killing her!" Taida explains.

Itamas eyes widen and she starts to run towards the direction of the compound.

"Okay! Lets go now!" I yell and we all start to run towards the house at top speed.

The house was at least 4 minutes away and by the time we got there, there was no chakra signs anywhere.

"I LOVE YOU ALL! BECOME STRONG!" (F/n) yells from the kitchen.

"Kaa-chan! KAA-CHAN!" Itama yells tearing up.

We follow the voice and it leads to a dead (F/n).

"KAA-CHAN!!" (D/n) screams running over to (F/n) and hugging her tightly.

The memory of My younger self holding my brother Itama starts to go through my head.

"(F/n)..." I mumble out. Tears start to fall and I go to my daughter and hug her tightly.

"Taida...taida come here" I mumble. The boy nods and hugs the 3 of us crying a bit as well.

'I love too you! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!' I think as I start to comfort the two children while gently crying.

(S/n), his pov

"Uncle? What are we doing?" I ask Uncle Hashirama.

"(S/n)...your parents are dead" Uncle Hashirama says leading me to Tou-san/Kaa-chans body.

"What? No, they both said they wouldn't die until they are old and wrinkly" I say refusing to look at the body of my favorite parent.

"(S/n), my sibling to me to take care of you, would you like to stay with me for a while?" Uncle Hashirama asks his eyes glazing with tears. My tears fall. They hurt so bad.

"Why did you let this happen!? YOU ARE THE GOD OF SHINOBI!" I yell angerly.

I look at Tou-san/Kaa-chans body. They look so peaceful.

"Why did you let them both leave!? Now I have nobody! What am I going to do!?" I yell falling to the ground.

"Its because of my idiot birth giver..." I mumble hugging my knees and covering my face.

I silently sob. I know both of them would have told me not to but it hurts. Deeply.

"(S/n) Please, I will take care of you, we both can get through this together" Uncle Hashirama says.

I just stay silent. I can't believe I never told them that I loved them.

"Lets bury Tou-san/Kaa-chan"

Tobirama, his PoV

"Senju-san...I have come to give you this letter" (Y/n)s messenger bird says.

It has a medium sized note in its beak and it looks sad.

"Please, read it to Tsuyoi as well" it says and poofs away.

I unfold the letter and read it easily.

The letter: 'If you are reading this then I want to tell you...I'm dead. I was killed but know that I love you more than the stars in the sky, sincerely (Y/n)'

My eyes narrow and I throw the letter on to a table. They said they would come home safely like always...why didn't they come back home right now?

"Tsuyoi come here!" I yell. The 16 year old boy comes to where I am, the living room.

"Your Kaa-chan was KIA" I tell him blankly. Tsuyoi looks at me confused before realizing.

"No way! No! Kaa-chan is strong! There is no way they could have died! They are the best of the best!" He yells denying the truth.

I give him the letter and his eyes widen, both in pain and shock.

"They really are dead..." he mutters and he falls to the ground.

"Who killed her?" Tsuyoi asks.

I turn to him and give him a look. "Probability of it being Uchiha Madara is high" I say in a robotic tone.

He just nods and gives me a hug and we both gently cry.

Izuna, his pov

I am outside trying to see where to put the white carnations for (Name). She said since I can't cook I should try gardening instead.

It looked easy from a far but now its become a big bother.

"I haven't seen (D/n) yet..normally she would be here talking to me" I mutter and go look for her.

I turn the corner and see (D/n), (R/n) and (Name).

"(D/n)...!" I yelled once seeing the blood.

I kick (R/n) out of the way and move towards my sobbing daughter and wife/husband.

"Tou-san!! Kaa-chan!" (D/n) says through sobs. Her once long gone stutter back to haunt her and I.

"I-i-it was because (R/n) w-was the serial killer and s-she b-betrayde Kaa-chan! I tried to heal her but her pulse gave o-out!" (D/n) cries throwing herself onto me.

My eyes stay wide and I look at my beautiful/handsome wife/husband laying on the floor with a slight smile.

Tears find a way to slip out and i rub (D/n)s back in a comforting way.

"She shouldn't have died..." I mutter hugging my daughter tightly afraid she would leave me just like Aniki did.

Yeah, I just wanted to sob.

909 words

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