Scenario: If they Became a Yandere

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Hashirama Yandereness: 60%

You just wanted a normal relationship. Why? Because in all 3 relationships they either cheated on you or used you for their own personal gain.

So when you and the Hokage got together you actually expected a normal happy relationship. You know, because he always was smiling in public.

But when you found him killing all of your clan friends you ran. You are not a Kinouchi at all. You only help with plans such as academy plans or If your clan is having a problem with buildings.

You didn't even want to look at his insane face. All you did really was look at the body and walked away.

"Hashirama, Why?" You ask. You already know that as the Hokage nothing will happen to him.

"Why? Because they love you, and only I can love you" he says with some weird look on his face.

"Come with me, So we can be alone together forever" He says.

You glare at him and sprint away. You need to find Tobirama he can Stop Hashirama or at least long enough for you to escape with your mom.

"Oh? Don't worry (F/n), Your mom and Tobirama is dead" He says. You dodge a kunai he threw and you hit something and end up blacking out.

Now you are in a cabin, with the doors all closed/locked, their is only on window that is physically impossible to open or Break. Now you are just a little pet in a cage.

"Good Morning (F/n)! Breakfast is ready!" He yells with a happy demeanor. You give him blank cold eyes. No one knows what happened to your friends and yourself but it was covered up with a rogue nin killing you at a river and killing them.

"Now, you are forever Mine"

Madara Yandereness:79%

You were sent on a mission to guide a person from The Stone. It was supposed to be a simple mission. You just wanted to be home before Madara found out about this mission.

As much as you do love him he always gets mad about you going on missions.

The person though was but a young boy so you didn't mind.

"what is your name?" You ask kneeling down to be the same height as the boy.

"Minoru, you stranger?"


"Hmph, let's go I want to get to my village as soon as possible" he says. You nod and walk to the door and he follows behind you.

"Madara, Come in" Hashirama says. Madara glared at the man.

"Why did you call me?" He asks with venom in his voice.

"My sibling has gone on a 1 week mission, only themselves" Hashirama says.

"I do not allow you permission to leave the village, am I understood Uchiha Madara?" Hashi says with cold eyes.

Madaras eyes widened. "But-!" He gets cut off by Hashiramas hand, signaling to stay quiet.

"I'm 'sorry' Hashirama, but if you want to play that way I guess this will be done" Madara says and kills Hashirama and Tobirama. Then he goes and slaughters all the adults of every clan.

"Minuro, what is your job there at the Stone?" You ask. He looks up at you and thinks for a minute.

"I am the Tsuchikage's kid" he says.

You nod and drop him off at the Kage's office.

Later when you get back at Konoha you notice immediately the chakra deplete. You searched for your brothers chakra but no answer. You go to the Hokages tower and you see blood everywhere.

You run to the Senju clan and Notice small chakra signatures in the Senju compound.

"What happened?" You ask one of the kids as you break down by the door. It turned out they are in your office but you can care less about that right now.

"U-uchiha!" One of the kids say in fear. You turn around and see Madara.

"Madara! What happened? Where is Hashirama and Tobirama?" You ask. You are glad that Madara is still alive. Maybe you 2 can fight the enemy off together.

"Oh them? I killed them" He says. Your eyes widened and you sense one of the kids move and run up to attack him.

"How dare you kill the Hokage!!!" He yells but immediately gets caught by Madara and gets held by the Neck.

"Madara, let the Child go" you command. You can tell his chakra level is low and yours is practically over flowing.

"(___), you know I love you why do you like these brats?" He says, pouting. You glare at him.

"These are the next generation, I'd rather die then leave them alone and helpless against enemies" you say and Hirishaned behing Madara and grab his arm.

"Now, let go" you say.

The child is dropped and he immediately runs to the other kids.

"Madara, what do you think they are going to do? They have not even learned chakra control, let alone Jutsus, please, let's bring them to another village! I don't want-"

"That's the thing with you Senju's, always thinking about others, be a little more selfish next time okay?" Madara interrupts. Then he does the hand signs you hated the most but you move in the way.

"Don't worry, I will protect you" you say to the kids. They all start to cry.

You get burned and Madara pushes you out of the way and kills them with his sword one by one.

You start to do hand signs and you use one of your Jutsus you created and put him into a chakra absorbing cube.

"Let's go! I need to save at least one of you!" You say and grab them and Hirishaned to the Stone.

"Please take care of them, they are from Konoha, all their parents died and they were about to be killed by a herd of Wolves" you lie. The kage of the village nods and you teleport back to Konoha.

"Sh*t" you mumble and you lay down on the ground.

"Eh, at least you realized you belong in Konoha" Madara says. He kills you there in the sight of the Sunset.

You died with a glare on your face and Madara burned the Buildings of Konoha and the bodies except yours.

He buried you by the old Senju Compound and he ended up going on a killing spree after.

I'm sorry it's long! I will put Tobirama and Izuna in another chapter! Hope you enjoyed this Gore(?) Ish chapter!

1,085 Words

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