It'll All Work Out

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3rd Person P.O.V.
Dazai sat in a chair and then sighed, "So much work and for what?"

Y/n stood in front of the desk with a sad look on her face, Dazai immediately felt the sudden mood change and looked up from his papers. He stood up and leaned over towards her face, he rested his forehead against hers, "Don't feel bad for this. It's just temporary okay? I'll be back to that Agency Dazai you adore so mu-"

"That's not the issue, dumbass." Y/n glared at him, "I'm perfectly capable of handling the Mafia's problems, you're a member of the Armed Detective Agency, you shouldn't be interfering with mafioso affairs."

Dazai straightened himself out, he moved swiftly past the desk and grabbed Y/n's face, caressing her cheek and placing a soft kiss on her forehead, "Baby, I want to help you as much as possible, it doesn't matter where I work, whether I be a detective or a mafioso. My family will always and I mean always come first."

Y/n rubbed her elbow awkwardly before mumbling, "But I didn't want to get you involved."

"Being involved means I can be closer to you, which is obviously a yes." He gave her a goofy grin before showering his precious girlfriend in kisses, "You're a national treasure."

"Shut up." Y/n chuckled before hugging the tall brunette, Dazai pulled her close and kissed the top of her head, "This'll all be over soon."

"You promise?"

He held her tighter and closed his eyes, "I promise."

**With Mori**
A door opened.

The chains scraped against the floor as he walked to the entry of the cell, "Hi Mori." B/n flashed a devious smile, a man who Mori didn't recognize stood behind him.

After a moment of focusing on the man, he identified him to be Sigma of the Rats, nonetheless Mori kept his cool and made sure not to show B/n any sign of weakness, "Hello, how are you?"

"I could be better but nonetheless I'm alright, how's this cell treating ya?"

Mori gritted his teeth and smiled, "Feels just like home."

"I'm glad." B/n pulled up a chair and sat in front of the cell, "Do tell about how this experience has been, I'd like to compare it to that of Sigma's experience."

"This isn't the first time I've been put in a cell, however if I dare be so bold, why am I here in the first place?"

"Legally I can only hold you for a certain amount of days, I believe it's 23 but who cares. Honestly I can hold you here as long as I feel like, just for the purpose of watching you break."

"And why would you want that? Daddy issues maybe?"

B/n suddenly slammed his hand against the bars, Sigma jumped startled at the noise but then immediately placed his hand on B/n's. Mori stared into the young man's angry e/c eyes but didn't falter, "Well come on, it's not polite to keep someone waiting for an answer."

B/n's attention shifted to Sigma and he calmed down almost immediately, Mori watched the display and it gave him an idea, "You guys dating?"

B/n sat back down in his chair before tossing his head down, "What's it to you?"

The older man let out a small chuckle, "You guys just sort of reminded me of my daughter and her boyfriend...well I do suppose it'd be natural for me to get reminded of my daughter whenever I look at you, B/n L/n."

B/n lifted his head and sat upright in his chair, "Are you doing that to piss me off or what, Old Man?"

"Maybe, maybe not, who's to say?"

"Guess we'll be here for a while." B/n smirked.

**With Gin and Tachihara**
They both sat in complete silence in front of Hirotsu, "Hey it'll all work itself out in the end. Everyone's struggling right now. The only thing we can do is be there for Y/n and Dazai."

Tachihara's eyes lit up as he put a fist in the air, "Yes! We shall aid our brethren in the battle to victory!"

Gin let out a sigh of disbelief before smiling softly, "We'll help them as much as we can...I just hope Mori is okay, wherever he's at."

Hirotsu smiled to himself before lighting his cigarette, "I'm sure he is. That man can make anything fun in the long run."

Tachihara smiled brightly before picking up his pen and scribbling down on a piece of paper, "If anything goes south, we can always rely on Nikolai and Fyodor to help out, can't we?"

"I'm sure we can Tachi." Gin rested her head on Tachihara's shoulder. In response, he put his hand in her hair and ran his fingers through it.

"We'll all make it by."
ahahaha- sorry i've been gone these past few months, i realized that i was practically slaving myself to continue updating this book and didn't want to put it before my mental health anymore so i took a multiple months off from writing entirely. i know this chapter is a little on the shorter side compared to my other ones and i can no longer guarantee a schedule for updating this story but i will continue to do the best i can, thank you for supporting me💜

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