Receiving Help

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Nikolai's P.O.V.
I woke up next to Dos, who was sitting on his laptop like usual. He didn't seem to want to give up on his dream to rid the world of gifted. "Hey Dos?"

"Hmm?" He made a sound of acknowledgement and stopped typing, turning his gaze to meet mine.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm finishing setting up a meeting for the both of us."

"A meeting?" I said surprised, I was sure he was doing something else.

"Yea, for therapy."

My surprised expression relaxed immediately and turned into a smile, "you know, to be honest, I wasn't 100% sure of you actually keeping your word of wanting help."

"Niko~ you doubted me?~"

"I mean we both worked hard to build the rats into what it was, I didn't think you'd give up on that so easily."

"Good point. I'm also looking at jobs. We're going to live here and support N/n."

My heart hurt just hearing him mentioning her, "when's therapy?"

"At 12, for the shit we've been through I'm assuming there will be several sessions than most usually need."

"I agree." I nodded my head then rested it on the pillow.

"You should get up and eat, it's already 10:30."

I groaned but still sat up. I ate and soon went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, "Hey Dos."


"Im thinking about a change."

"A change?"


"What kind of change?"

"I'm debating on whether or not to cut my hair."


"I don't know, maybe because it's just too long for guy hair? I have no idea."

"If that's what you want. I'll support it. I like your long hair though Niko."

"Ooo~ Dos likes something about me?~"

"You're an idiot. Of course I like stuff about you."

I smiled, I walked back to the bed and laid my head on his shoulder, "Thanks for always being there and supporting me Dos."

He gave my head a pat before I heard him speak, "Of course, you went along with me for so long. It's only fair."

"I love homo though."

"You don't have socks on." Dos immediately pointed out before we both started laughing.

"I love you too Niko." He started while chuckling, "no homo."

After a while of us sitting there, talking, me watching him on his laptop, and us playing games. We both got dressed and headed off to therapy. (tbh i don't really know how therapy works even tho i've went, it was difficult to wrap my head around since i was young)

"Hello, I'm Author-Chan. I will be your therapist starting today."

"I'm Fyodor and this is Nikolai."

After we sat down, Author-Chan asked, "would you two like to have private sessions or stay together?"

"We'd like to stay together, most of your issues are somewhat caused by the same thing." Dos stated,

"Who would like to start first then?" The young girl questioned, looking at the two of us. I looked at Dos then sighed, "if it's not too much trouble I'd like to go first."

"Don't be like that. This is a safe space, there's no such thing as trouble here."

I smiled before saying, "okay."

"Let's start off with some happier memories, can you tell me where the two of you met?"

"Dos and I? We met when we were children. We lived on the same street. Our parents got along nicely and introduced us, we didn't like each other at first." I laughed softly before continuing, "but we really grew on each other over the years."

Author-Chan sat in her seat, smiling, "Okay. Now aging up a little bit."

"My parents were killed and Dos' family took me in then we moved to Russia. We uh- starting getting into really bad things."

"What kind of bad things?"

I looked at Dos and seen him slighting shake his head, I couldn't tell her anything, "illegal sort of things."

The therapist closed her eyes for a moment, "does illegal involve something that can ensure you prison time?"


"You can trust me with this type of information. I've helped many criminals over the years, you two will be no different."

Dos looked at me and his suspicious face was no longer there, he nodded telling me he felt we could trust her.

"We were both members of a group called the Rats in the House of the Dead. We killed a lot of people..." my voice trailed off, I looked up at her and she still smiled.

I felt at ease with myself, I continued, "we basically just did a lot of bad things..."

"And you want to make amends?"


Her smile never faded, "well, you're trying even if people don't see the effort you're putting forth, don't stop until you're happy with yourself."

My eyes widened, "if I may ask, how did you know we weren't happy with ourselves?"

"Oh come on. Most people come to therapy to make themself a better and stronger person. Others come because they aren't happy with who they are. I'm a professional, I can tell when a person isn't happy with themselves and you two radiate that energy."

Dos hasn't said a word in a while, when I looked at him he wore the same shocked face I did.

"I can also tell you've both been struggling with self harm and you, Nikolai, have gone through a recent heartbreak."

Dos spoke softly, "how-"

"My job is to pay attention and attempt to help those who come in. I have training in other jobs that just give me that edge." She said proudly.

My curiosity immediately got the best of me, "well then..." I pointed at Dos and said, "can you tell me what this guy has been hiding from me?!"

"Wha-?" Dos smacked my hand away, "I am not hiding anything!"

"Yea sure! I can feel it in these very bones you're hiding something!"

"I am n-"

"He doesn't want you to know that his wrist wasn't the only place of self harm."

"How did you-?!"

She rested her face between her index finger and thumb, "I'm just that good."

"And you kept this a secret why?" I said glaring at Dos

"I didn't want to bother you, you've been going through so much with N/n that I-"

I hugged Dos, "tell me next time, I'm here to help you just as much as you're here to help me."

"Ah, young love."

"We're not gay." I assured her before she started pouting in the corner of the room.

"Wait-" we turned our attention to Author-Chan, "How is it you're a professional therapist when you're around our age?! In fact you're younger than us!"

"It's my story I'll do what I want."


"Right, the fourth wall, oops. Um- I just am. Shut up and leave it alone."

To be continued...
my birthdays coming up😒 that's all i have to say, hope you enjoyed this chapter. make sure you stay hydrated😤 until next time~

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