You're not weak

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Your P.O.V.
I searched everywhere I couldn't find him. My insecurities began to catch up with me:
Did he leave because of me?

I practically dragged myself out of bed, I headed to work, Mori seen how upset I was so he refrained from sending me on any missions, I was angry, hurt, sad.

I decided that I was going to torture those rat members I had captured. I went down to the torturing chamber and brought them all out, none of them were tied up, given the fact they were damn near starved, they had little to no energy left.

"Alrighty, now I understand none of you have been fed?"

Silence. They lost their will to live already? Lame.

I smirked, "Okay, so how bout I feed you then we can have a chat yes?"

They turned their faces toward me. I had food prepared beforehand and handed each other them a box. They ate like animals I couldn't say I was surprised.

"Gross." Was the only word I said to their display. In this group they were 4 men and 3 women, I enjoy torturing men far more than women because you doesn't usually hear a man be so honest. Women on the other hand, they tend to be more open with their feelings. Another reason is I don't like men. Yes, that should be considered a contradiction since I'm around nothing but men however there's a reason for everything.

I was angry Dazai left without a word, but what if I'm overreacting? I'm not thinking straight and usually I'm not the one that points that out.

My mind was spinning, that's when I started to debate whether or not I should kill these people. I realized that while I was in thought they had all ran, leaving nothing but empty boxes which had once contained food behind.

The blood lust I had returned, I twitched, "let's play a game of manhunt, shall we?"

I walked up the stairs, they couldn't have gotten far and even if they did, it doesn't hurt to let one get away, who will be the lucky one? Or will I be so enraged I kill all of them? Making their deaths slow and painful.

I seen one man running towards the executive room, I sighed as he entered, yelling went around and then he was kicked out, I was guessing it was by Chuuya.

I ran toward him as he began to get up. I chuckled at this action, then grabbed him by his short dirty blond hair. Mori looked at me and I smiled, "all 7 got out but it's alright I'll handle it."

"How did they-"

"No need for silly questions. I wanted to play a game of manhunt, most of them won't find the exit anyway."

I walked off with the taller man, I tied him up with some rope I grabbed before I left the torture chamber then pushed him down the 13 steps. I went on the hunt for 6 more.

"Oh come on~" I said cheerfully, "it's manhunt, not hide n seek~"

I overheard someone gasp, my devilish smirk appeared on my face, I used my hands to lift myself over the box as I peered down at a black haired woman, who appeared to be crying quietly.

"Found you~" I grabbed a fistful of her black hair and dragged her as she twisted and turned, kicked and screamed.

I tied her hands behind her back, instead of pushing her down the stairs, I kicked her then returned to the game. My patience began running thin with the other 5. I thought about just giving up and letting them escape but then I soon heard panting from behind me.

A boy was crouched down behind a table covering his ears, "Idiots." I walked over to him and grabbed the collar of his shirt, he appeared to be around my age, a good chance he was younger, however he was taller than me, by maybe 5 or 6 inches.

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