Clown to the Rescue!

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Your P.O.V.
I went on my given mission, which sounded honestly stupid to me, we're dealing with a crisis and I have to go assassinate some dude? Little did I know there was an actual purpose for this, this man was a higher up in the rats.

I walked into the given address, which also was pretty stupid, a hotel? Come on.

"Excuse me miss?" I got the receptionist's attention, "do you know where room 417 is?"

"It's on the 4th fourth, the third door to to the right near the corner." I looked at her and smiled, "thank you so much."

I walked out of the door then headed up the stairs, I got a bad feeling all of a sudden. Someone was watching me.

I throughly examined my surroundings making sure not to look suspicious then continued walking, I soon seen the room 417 and knocked politely on the door.

A big— no, that's an understatement, a huge buff looking man opened the door, he appeared to have crouched down to get a good look at me because the door frame was in his way.


"What ya want?" His voice was deep, frightening deep. Any normal person would be afraid of this man so I followed that example.

My eyes widened and I had a frightened look on my face as I back up to the railing, "what?"

"Please...don't hurt me." I managed to breathe out.

"Hurt you? You're the one knocking on my door."

My knees began to shake, "I-I was l-looking for my mom...I thought she s-stayed here."

"Do I look like your mom?"

"N-No...I'm sorry for bothering you." I bowed my head then turned to walk around.

He took the bait, he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, "Oi. It's impolite to-"

I screamed, "Please, please, please, let me go!"

He slapped his hand over my mouth in attempt to quite me down. He pushed me inside the hotel room, then as I began to struggle more, he tied me up.

"You're Y/n, aren't you?"

"Who?! Look I don't want any trouble, please let me go! My mom! My moms dying!" My voice cracked, I was now rendered defenseless, my hands were tied behind my back and my legs were duct taped together.

"Y/n L/n of the Port Mafia."

"Look you psycho, I don't know who the fuck Y/n is! Let me go!"

He seemed to buy the act, he then untied my hands and cut the duct tape around my legs, "I'm sorry miss. I-"

Time to sell it, I lifted my face up to show him a the act of a terrified girl crying. His eyes widened as he began trying to comfort me, "I sincerely apologize, a hit was ordered on me and I needed to take every precaution I could."

This was my target, I wiped my face, "I see, I'm sorry for scaring you then."

"No no no, I scared you if anything, I apologize."

I seen a gun right next to my hand, within the blink of an eye it was in my hands and I shot the man between his eyes.

I sighed deeply, "That was way too close for comfort."

I walked out of the hotel room and closed the door behind me, I took the gun along with me and was I right to do so. I was surrounded on both ends, this whole hotel was a scam!

I jumped from the railing, to be shot at, I was grazed by a bullet on my leg, causing me to fall down. They took that time to hurry to me and knock me out.
I woke up to the sound of metal clacking against each other, I blinked a few times and still couldn't see, I had a good guess I was blindfolded.

"So Y/n came to pay us a little visit huh?" Not too deep of a voice but I could definitely tell it was a man.

I stayed silent, I felt something strike my face then felt a warm liquid drip on my thigh, I was bleeding. I tried to move my hands but I couldn't move them at all. Next best thing were my legs but I felt the rope holding them dig into my skin.

"Oi! I'm talking to you! Have some manners!" He hit my leg this time. I bit my lip to not make any noise, people who specialize in torture usually get some sort of kick out of either the pain they see their target in or the sounds they make. If I don't give either of those to this man it's possible he'll stop sooner.

I was able to hear him get more and more irritated as I wouldn't show the slightest sign of me being any pain. He kept swinging whatever it is angrily and way harder. Soon I heard him put the object down and pick up another weapon, he began cutting my skin carelessly,

"You should at least show your friends, maybe dear old Dad that you're alive, come on. Smile for the camera!"

He was recording this? Kinky. Not to mention broadcasting this to mafia headquarters? Is this guy nuts?

"Oh yea I also hacked into the security software at that prison Fyodor and Dazai are at. Say hi to them!"

At this point, I wasn't hurt I was pissed. I was set up this whole time, they planned to have that guy killed, they planned to corner me, they planned everything! Fyodor wasn't the one who ordered this, who did?

"Oi." I heard a familiar voice, "what exactly are you doing?"


"Uh huh. What are you doing?"

"Torturing Y/n to get some answers..." he said quietly.

"Quiz time: what will happen to you if you don't let her go right now? You have 5 seconds to answer."

"Nikolai you can't be serious! She's-"

"Wrong. The correct answer was: you'll die."

"Huh?! You kill me?" He laughed, "you must be joking!"

Nikolai didn't respond but I felt his presence still, "hmm...alright, question number 2: how much time do you have left? 5 seconds."

"This is-"

"Times up. The correct answer was: none."

I heard a cutting sound then the man scream, I heard footsteps approaching, the blindfold was removed, Nikolai looked at me and smiled, "oh my dear N/n, you seem to be underdressed~"

I looked down to see myself in nothing more than a f/c bra and matching underwear, my face burned with embarrassment.

Nikolai's face appeared to be a little red as he untied me, "I'll treat your wounds and once you're well enough to walk, I'll have you escorted back to Mafia headquarters." He scooped me up in his arms, I winced finally showing the pain my body was in.

"Nikolai Gogol put on his Superman suit and saved the day!" He said playfully before turning off the camera and walking out of the room with me in his arms.
you know i'm starting to like posting every day, it gives me something to do😒 corona needa take her ass back to china with all that bullshit. out here acting like america did some shit to her, if she don't get on japan's ass.

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