The Secret

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Your P.O.V.
I woke up next to Nikolai with a pounding headache, I sat up, "how much did I drink?"

Nikolai groaned before pulling me back down into his bare chest, his eyes looked more puffy than they did last night, did he cry after I passed out?

"Niko..." I whispered quietly to myself. Nikolai's eyes opened to the sound of his name, "hmm?"

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."

"My head hurts N/n."

"It's called a hangover." I rubbed the top of his head, "I can do a store run."

"I think I have painkillers in the bathroom."

I couldn't think straight, "do painkillers help with headaches again?" I grabbed my phone to see I had 64 missed calls from Mori, 49 from Chuuya, 16 from Aku, and 57 from B/f.

I looked at my phone, "oh shit I didn't tell anyone I was going to be here." I hurried up and called Mori back

He immediately answered, "Where are you!?" He screamed through the phone.

"Dad- not so loud, calm down. Calm down. Breathe."

I heard him start to take deeper breathes, "where are you?" He said more calmly.

"Yesterday was Niko's birthday so I came to celebrate with him, we ended up drinking too much and we both passed out."

I heard him sigh out of relief, "thank god. Alright. Be careful on your way back."


He hung up before I did, I pushed the button then texted Aku,

You: hey, I just want you to know that I am safe

Aku: where are you?

You: I'm with Niko

Aku: and why did you never come back?

You: SOOO you seeeee~ we kinda- uh- we got plastered then both passed out

Aku: makes sense, alright I'll tell the others

You: thank you Aku

I looked at Niko again, he was staring at the ceiling intensely, I giggled, "are you okay?"

He raised his eyebrows then looked at me, "hmm?"

"Did I break you?" I laughed, "you don't drink that often huh?"

My laughing caused him to laugh, "not really."

"Niko, what about the ra-"

He put a finger to my lips, "that's not what you came for." He sat up and hugged me, "N/n, thank you for coming."

"You're welcome Niko. Hopefully this is all over before Fyodor's birthday."

"If it's over by then, we'll be locked up."

"Well that's fine to, I just want to spend his birthday with him to."

He ruffled my hair, "of course. Anyway, I'm running to the store. Anything you want?"

I shook my head, he pulled on a shirt and left without another word.

I started thinking about last night, how sad both Nikolai and I truly are. The fact he can wear a smile just for an act is amazing when he's suffering that much.

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