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Your P.O.V.
It was dark, then a glowing Dazai appeared,


"Y/n, you need to stay alive. We need to meet again."

"Dazai!" I began running towards him but there was no progress, I felt as if I was running in place.

"Baby, listen to me. The rats are going to make their move soon. You need to be strong, you need to be prepared."

"Dazai..." I dropped to my knees, I held out my hand, reaching out to him, "please don't leave me again."

"I know. I know it's hard. Please...please push forward. You can do it. If anyone can do it, it's you."

"I- I love you! So please- Please stay alive!"

"Promise." He appeared in front of me, he held out his pinky, "I won't die. After all...the way we are destined to die is double suicide~!"

I nodded and smiled, tears streaming down my face, "A double suicide." Our pinkies intertwined.

I lifted my face to see his beautiful dark eyes, he leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips, then he disappeared while saying one last sentence:

"Y/n, wake up."

I jolted up, pain immediately rushing throughout my body, "Oi, oi, oi, don't get up so fast!" Mori stood up and quickly ran to my aid.

"Sorry- uh..."

"Did you have a bad dream?"

"No..." I said touching my lips. The ones that Dazai had just kissed in my dream, they felt warmer than usual. My eyes widened as I began to smile.

"Your pain level?"


Mori helped me lay back down, "it's alright. You'll be fine. Dad's here for you."

"Thanks for this Dad." I smiled.

He touched my head lightly and ruffled my hair softly, "it's what a father should do. I care about you Y/n. It's pains me to see you in this type of situation."

"It's alright. It was my own fault."

Mori's face twisted into a glare, "every person aligned with that man who did those things to you were taken in and tortured to death."

"You didn't have to do that."

"I did. I needed to show what happens if you cross the wrong executive."

I chuckled weakly, "right."

Mori sat down next to my bed and laid his head on it, "I'm glad you're okay Y/n."

"I'm glad I'm okay too."

"Really? Usually you'd say something like 'damn still not dead yet?' or something similar."

"Well..." I blushed slightly, "in my dream I woke up from, uhh- Dazai was there and he was talking to me."

"Uh huh." He said eyes staring at me, his violet eyes were soft, intrigued by the dream, "he did he say?"

"That I must stay alive, that we have to meet again and we are destined to commit double suicide."

"How cute, from the first moment I seen you two together I knew you guys were going to be a good couple."

"You really did?"

"Yes, of course. However I did find the need to keep you away from him because- uh...he's gets out of hand."

I chuckled nervously, "that's Dazai for you."

"It's okay, now that you're older I have prepared myself. So~" he smiled then looked at me, "when can I be expecting a grandchild?"

My eyes widened as my face reddened deeply, "w-what?! Kids?!"

"Whether you make more than one is completely up to you."

"D-Dad!" I covered my face with my eyes.

H chuckled, "I think your children will be adorable."

"I hope they have Dazai's hair and my e/c eyes." I blushed while I fantasized about our children.

Mori laughed to himself, "lay back down. I'll get you some food."

He walked out and left me alone, I laid back down then began thinking, I haven't seen Chuuya and Aku around. Then all of a sudden, the door burst open,

"Y/n! Are you alright?!" Chuuya said in a rush to get to my side, he got on his knees immediately.

"I'm fine."

Aku kneeled down and ran his fingers through my hair, "as long as you're alright."

"Oh boys." Mori said, holding back in the room, holding a tray and wearing a surprised face, "you returned so soon?"

"We heard she got hurt, we rushed back as fast as we could after finishing the mission." Chuuya turned taking his hat off.

"I see, well she'll be out of commission for at least 2 weeks, considering how fast she tends to heal."

Aku coughed in his hand then spoke, "The information we have suggests that the rats are making their move soon."

I remembered what Dazai told me: "the rats will make their move soon."

I began to think of different scenarios that might happen, where they might attack, how we can defend, how we can stop it from happening in the first place. A ton of thoughts ran through my head, causing a horrible headache.

I groaned as they turned their attention on me, Mori got closer to me, "headache?"

I nodded slightly. Aku helped me lay back down, Mori prepared a hot rag for me and placed it on my forehead. He gave me a Advil.

While I was half asleep, I heard all of them creep out of the room. I smiled, then went to sleep.
bruv when i thought my life couldn't get any more complicated, i got online school starting monday, so it would appear that these chapters will be either shorter if i continue then daily or roughly the same length and every other day to every 2 days

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