Operation TNWTFIGO

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Dazai's P.O.V.
I missed Y/n, I looked at Fyodor,

"Miss N/n still?"

"Of course."

Conversations have been going smoothly thus far but I had a bad feeling, I'm sure Y/n found a way to bend the rules to Nikolai's game. Was that just a smokescreen?

Did they do that just do throw us off?

"Dazai, why do you love her?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"A question I'm expecting an answer to."

"She's bright."

"Bright?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"Despite all she's gone through, she still has the warmth of the radiating sun. She's beautiful and completely amazing. She's has amazing talents, such as ______ and ______"

"You talk about her as if she's a completely innocent girl. Although it's not hard to envision her in that light, she still is a psychopathic killer."

"I prefer not to think of her kill count because that's only a fragment of who she is." I said warmly.

"You prefer not to think of a maniac who has killed 574 people? It's hard for a persons mind to kill 50 but 500? I think there is something seriously wrong with you."

"You don't have feelings for her right?"

"If I did?"

I smiled, "I would consider you competition then have to take you out."

"Well, to answer your question, she always seem to have a strong attachment to me when we were young but I have never once felt a thing for her that could be described as love."

"What do you feel toward her?"

"You know when you care for someone so much, you want to break them completely? That type of love."

My eyes widened, "sounds kinky."

"Ehh, I guess I can be that to, just not with her. I don't know, I just feel wrong imagining her and myself together."

"Wrong? Like 'that's basically my sister I can't do this' wrong?"


"Well then that means you love her, just not in the way I love her."


"Yes, it seems Nikolai is my only competition."

"As I said before, you don't even have to worry. Nikolai's too afraid of ruining their friendship, he won't say anything about his feelings."

"How did you know about his feelings, did he tell you?"

"No, it's kinda embarrassing how I found out."

My eyes were locked on him, waiting for him to speak again, "I mean I could never throw him under the bus like that. There's been multiple occasions, while he was sleeping on my lap-"

"Your lap?" My head cocked to the side.

"Yes, he had a tendency of doing that, when I was tired I'd sleep against his shoulder. We didn't really ever separate from each other."

"I see."

"Anyway, his head was in my lap and he had a blush on his face, that alone scared me for obvious reasons, then I heard him murmur something so I got closer to him so I could hear it and he said her name."

"Oh~ so since he was dreaming about her with a blush, you assumed he liked her."

"As I said that's only one of many times I've heard him do something like that." He sighed, "since I shared something embarrassing, you share as well."

"Hmm, Okay." I was in thought for a minute or two then opened my eyes, "there was this one time where my partner Kunikida and I were on a mission and we met this beautiful woman, being the flirt I am, I start doing my thing when I realize Kunikida actually took a liking to her. Just to piss him off I took her to my house, due to the fact she was injured on the mission because she was a victim that got kidnapped, I slept in a different room like the gentlemen I am. The next day, I literally almost got choked out for 'inappropriate behavior'."

Fyodor let a chuckle escape his lips, "kinda lame. You were such a gentlemen and everything."

"Girls can't resist the Osamu charm. I'm not sure I can say the same for you..."

"I'm not interested in romance."

"You're not?"

"Well I've never found a woman that truly understood me and loved me for who I was that I felt I could taint."

"Oh! If you felt different about my Y/n then you would be in love is what you're saying?"

"Yes I suppose so."

"Too bad~! Y/n is mine to taint~"

"I can see that."

We shared a laugh.

Your P.O.V.
B/f showed up, "alright what's the sitch?"

I looked at him, disgusted, "never say that in my presence again. It doesn't sound good coming from you."

He laughed, "but for real."

I explained to him what happened between Mori and I, what happened during the rescue of the officials, and Nikolai's birthday.

"Well, instead of defying Mori we can do something he didn't cover."


"He said you couldn't see him, that doesn't mean I can't see him and give him a message for you."

My eyes lit up, "you, my dear subordinate, are absolutely amazing."

He smiled then got cocky, "what can I say?"

"Anyway, what do you want me to tell him?"

"I'll give you his number and you can meet up with him or you can just text him either one works, but just tell him about what happened with Mori."

"Alright, lets head out. Operation: Tell Nikolai What the Fuck is Going on is a go starting tomorrow."

We walked out and then walked next to a bar, a very familiar one at that, Lupin. "Hey, lets make a stop here, I need a drink."

B/f smiled, "alright."
i'm so tired and sad that's it. be safe goodbye

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