Happy Birthday Author-Chan!

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Nikolai's P.O.V.
Today is July 20, Author-Chan's birthday. I woke up and took my morning shower like usual then woke up Dos.

"Mm? What?"

"It's Author-Chan's birthday today! Let's surprise her!"

"Alright, let me get dressed."

After Dos getting dressed and doing his daily morning activities, we went to town and first placed an order for a cake.

Since we didn't know much about Author-Chan due to meeting her not too long ago, we decided that the best gift we could give her was something she mentioned in previous hangout seshs.

"She really likes Kuroo from Haikyuu right? Let's get something like that and then make a junk food basket for her." Dos suggested

"That's not a bad idea- look at you finally having a good idea~!"

"I ran the rats- I was the brains. I had ideas back to back but alright whatever you say."

We stopped by an anime shop, where I seen a cut-out of another character, "what if we also make her a cut-out of him?"

"Now look who has the good ideas. We'll go home after we get the cake and stuff, let's see..." Dos said, focusing on the items he was looking at. "Oversized jersey because she likes oversized clothing."

"Definitely a fucking plushie!" I said excitedly, picking up a Kuroo plushie and showing it to Dos, "this shit is so cute."

"We're not shopping for you."

"I know but like- she'd like it."

Dos let out a defeated sigh before nodding. "Yes!" I fist pumped the air.

"We should get matching sweatshirts too!" I clapped happily.

"Again Niko, we aren-...good idea." He looked around for sweatshirts Author-Chan would like. "How about this one?"

 "How about this one?"

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"I like that one." I said looking through the sizes, I found Dos' size then mine, I got Author-Chan's a little bit bigger because you know, oversized clothing🤩

We went to the cash register and after paying, Dos and I agreed that he'd go pick up the cake while I went to the store to buy her favorite snacks.

While in the store, I grabbed sour patch kids, skittles, different kinds of chocolate and different kinds of chips, (i'm basic yes). After finding all I wanted to put in the basket, I decided to go actually find a basket to put it all in. I picked out a card and when I was finished, I texted Dos saying he should pick out his own card.

I got happy birthday balloons before heading back home. Dos was already there, "I'm printing the shit we need for the cut-out, go get boxes. We'll sign the cards after."

"And the cake?"

"In the fridge."

I put the chocolate in the fridge so it wouldn't melt then placed everything on the table. I went to our storage closet where we mainly kept things we might need later and brought out two empty big boxes.

After Kuroo was finally printed out, we began to cut him out and glue him to the cardboard. The cut-out took roughly about 3 to 4 hours to make. I looked at the time, 11:53am.

"Okay, now we're going to sign our cards."

We began to discuss other things we wanted to add for her birthday and when to do so. We came to an agreement and then both separately texted her happy birthday.

We spent the day with her, going to eat, strolling in the park, etc. but the true surprise wasn't going to be here until later tonight.

Dos and I got dressed for the big finale of her special day, we invited her over and when she opened the door she seen most of her presents.

"I-Is that- a fucking cut-out...excuse me while I go into cardiac arrest, I knew mans was tall but DAMN-"

Dos chuckled and I pointed to the cake that had candle sticks that named her new age, 16. Dos pulled the chair out for her while she took a seat then we began to sing happy birthday. After that, she blew out her candles and we gave a round of applause.

"You are guys the best you know that? Never once in my LIFE have I had friends like you."

"Gimme a sec." I said, exiting the room and coming back with the sweatshirts, I handed them out and we put them on. She smiled and almost seemed as if she was getting ready to cry, "this is the best birthday ever! Thank you so much!" She said before running at the both of us and tackling us to the ground.

"Uh- Author-Chan..." Dos said softly.

It's finally time. We've known Author-Chan for a good month or so now and she's helped us through so much even though she didn't have to. She stayed with us and devoted herself to helping us.

After I had finally gotten off the ground, I fumbled with my hair, "So-"

I looked at Dos then we looked at the happy girl in front of us and in unison we said, "I like you."

Her eyes widened, "well fuck you guys because I love you!" She kissed both of us on the cheek with tears streaming down her face.

We all shared a laugh, "Hey, Author-Chan, that's not all yet."


"Turn around." Dos said smiling. She tilted her head in confusion but still turned around. Behind her was a window, I pushed her a little closer and the sound of a firework went off and in the sky read "will you be our girlfriend?"

She covered her mouth with her hands, "You guys are extra as fuck but yes of course!"

"I'm glad to hear that." Dos bent down a bit to kiss her head.

"Happy Birthday Author-Chan..." I smiled before kissing her forehead
am i now in a poly relationship with fedya and niko? y e s.
okay but fr if someone EVER did this for me, i would cry🥺 i'm not really a romantic type of person but yk it'd be nice to be loved once in a while😔, anyway happy birthday to me for the second time today. this is just a shitpost tbh but i sorta like how it came out
we're just gonna act like i posted this yesterday

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