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Your P.O.V.
I ran after Aku and Atsushi, soon catching up with them, they then used their abilities to get by the guards, I stopped, then proceeded to run.

I rely on my brute strength, however, I am a professional at infiltration, this is nothing.

I swiftly snuck past the guards without them noticing a single thing, even pickpocketed both of them, snatching keys and a little map.

I stood now, by myself, going off on our own wasn't what the plan intended, but I am the most capable member of this squad. I have the most experience in this field.

I pulled myself out of thought by voices, "you think we'll get paid double for this shit?"

"Well we are betraying the rats by infiltrating for our own guild."

I smirked, I ran to the wall and quickly hid my presence. They walked past me, I kicked one of the men's knee and grabbed him from the back of his shirt, I held a knife to his throat, "where's Fyodor?"

"what the-"

"Tell me, you have 15 seconds." I said harshly, applying pressure against his neck

"L-Look we don't know! We're just-"

"Times up."


I moved down to his shoulder then cut it, "try it again."

"I'm serious! We don't-"

His earpiece buzzed, I held a finger to my lips, "huh? Heart rate? Oh it was nothing, just a snake. It ran away now though."

"Turn it off." I said

He did as I said, "great."

"We really don't know where Fyodor is located honestly, we wanted to assassinate him ourselves, don't hurt us and we'll help you out."

"A fair trade." I noticed footsteps faintly approaching us.

"Oi, tie my hands behind my back."


"Don't ask questions."

He got up and quickly grabbed rope, he then tied my hands loosing together, "take the knife and cut me up."

"There was others coming aren't there?"

"Yes. No deep cuts. I need to be able to move still."

"Right." He cut my cheeks, he messed up my clothing, tearing some here and there, they worked together to make it look like they beat me.

A group of men came into their sights, they began panting to show we fought.

"What happened here?"

"Ahh, nothing much, we just took care of Y/n."

"Y/n? The mafia executive?"

"Yea, I guess she infiltrated."

"Was there anyone else with her?"

"She won't talk."

"Tighten security, make her talk."

"Yes sir."

The group of men began to walk away, they wiped their foreheads and let out a relieved sigh, "shit that was close."

"They'll probably turn on security cameras by now, so you'll have to actually beat me."


"I'll leak false information about the mafia, just ask questions that will help the rats."

They nodded, the camera in the corner of the room turned on.

The first man threw me up against the wall, "where is the mafia located right now?"

I stayed silent.

He punched me, "alright how about this, what's the plan to defeat us?"

"An exterminator." I spat, he hit me again.

"Dazai Osamu, I hear he's your partner, if you don't start talking we'll kill him."

"Do what you gotta do."

"Oh really? Even if you love him?"

"Tch, I don't love that bastard."

"Start talking."

I sighed, "you want to know where the mafia is? In headquarters down in the western part of Yokohama, as for our plan, we planned to use the Agency and the Guild as bait and destroy all of you in one go."

"Wow, you must really love him don't you?"

"Shut up, this has nothing-"

He punched me, "too bad you have to die right here and now."

"Da.." I acted as if I fell unconscious, they began talking to the camera,

"You heard her, make a team and send them out right away."

Shit, this is bad, this operation will be compromised due to this!

The camera shut off, "well, that's it."

"Let's just dump the body." The other suggested, making sure to get an easier way of moving me to speak to me.

After a few minutes, we found somewhere, "was that good?"

"I need to hurry up and do what I can to get everyone out." I said looking at my phone.

"Oh new info, Fyodor isn't here."

I turned on my own earpiece, "testing testing 1, 2, 3, new info: Fyodor isn't here, I repeat Fyodor isn't here, everyone hide yourselves."

I hoped everyone did as I said then I heard another voice, one I recognized immediately,

"Y/n, are you hurt?!"



"Your breathing is more heavy, you're hurt."

"It's actually gross how much you pay attention."


"Just a few cuts, it's fine. We need to go immediately, the rats already think I'm dead, so I'm saying this one time and one time only, abort mission."

"You heard her." Aku said, he walked towards me.

"Aku, this are men who helped me, they're be useful to the mafia."


Atsushi was behind him, "how do we get out?"

"They'll most likely take the western exit since the information y/n gave was in that direction."

"So?" Atsushi asked

"We'll go out the same way we came in, but we got to hurry. I'm guessing we only have 4 minutes."

"As fast as you can, get out." One man said

The other nodded, "we'll go distract them to buy time."

They ran away, we hurried to the entrance and then rushed off to the meeting point we had set up earlier.

I clutched my cut shoulder, Dazai looked at me with wide eyes then pulled on my other arm, "we have to treat you."

I wanted to smile, "no, it's fine."

"No it's not! Let me at least just do this for you!"

I followed him without another word, I wanted to do more for him to, I could just never let him know that, we live in two different worlds.

We can't be together
hey guys, again i'm so sorry for the lack of updates, i try and update as soon as i possibly can but it's also hard to think of scenarios to put the characters in and everything and i'm not really good at describing things in the first place, but i hope you beautiful specimens have a good rest of you day/night. goodbye~

Eternally His (Dazai Osamu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now