The Subject of the Hallucinations

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Your P.O.V.
"Tell us...what have your hallucinations been about?" Aku asked

"M-My uh-" my head began to hurt, it felt as if it was gonna explode, I held it and began yelling curses.

Images began flowing through my head, I felt as if someone was going to bash my head in with an object or something.

I wasn't wrong to feel that way, it appeared.

My vision began to blur and then I saw nothing but black.

Aku's P.O.V.
Chuuya ran to the door and started screaming for help, it didn't take long for Mori to arrive, his eyes widened when he saw me.

I held her as she laid limp in my arms, Mori's eyes showed immediate regret for leaving her, "what happened?!"

"We managed to finally get through to her but when we asked about the hallucinations, she grabbed her head and started yelling." Chuuya explained rather quickly, I've never seen him that nervous, Mori picked up Y/n from my arms and took her to the infirmary, Chuuya followed behind them.

I stayed behind, I brought out my phone and pushed on B/f's contact, "hello?"

"Where are you?"


"Yes, answer my question."

"I'm on my way home, why?"

"What do you know about Y/n's hallucinations?"

"Uhm-...promise you won't tell anyone?"

"Sure thing, just hurry up and spit it out."

"I think it's an ability."

My eyes widen, "an ability? How so?"

"Her friend, Nikolai? He got a hallucination as well, the exact same time she did, how exactly does that happen by coincidence?"

I shook my head, "the probability of both of them hallucinating at the same time does sound strange, not to mention completely unrealistic."

"Exactly, and get this, during the time the two had their first hallucinations, they both saw the same thing and did the same things, the only thing that was different was the people they saw."

I nodded, "I see, let's meet up and discuss this further."

"Is she alright?"

"Mori took her to the infirmary, she passed out after her head began to hurt."

"Maybe we should try to meet up with Nikolai."

I felt on edge for some reason, "Yea." I didn't like that, meeting up with Nikolai? The bastard who we soon have to face as an enemy?

"Okay." He gave me an address to meet at and I went there immediately, we walked and began to talk about what it could be,

"The time was 10:38am sharp, so that doesn't explain anything." I stated, B/f made a thinking face,

"Well let's see...what time did Y/n pass out?"

"Around 5:23."

"I'll contact Nikolai." He pulled out another phone and lifted it to her ear,

"Hey Nikolai, can we talk again? I want your help with Y/n."

I had a bad feeling, this guy was a former member of the rats, the fact he's speaking to one of his former coworkers so casually bothers me.

Was he secretly spying on us for them? Why did Y/n let this guy live?

I thought of ways I could dispose of him if need be, "alright, meet at the usual place?"

Usual? He was meeting with him frequently? The whole reason Y/n got angry in the first place was because of this guy, wasn't it? She wanted to know about their meeting...and he didn't tell her, what if he didn't tell her because they've been meeting way more than what they should've been?

He led to me an alleyway, my bad feeling only grew from there, "this is as far as I'll go."

He turned around and looked at me, "I understand you don't trust me but please be reasonable, we'll be seen from here."

"I'll be fine, if you won't that's your own fault."

His face lacked his usual smile, "really?"

A trap? Is it a trap?

His tone completely changed, it felt as if he was a different person, he was radiating off an energy that didn't seem like his own, "I'm fully devoted to Y/n. There is no need to question that."

"You wouldn't harm her because you know against someone like her, you wouldn't land a single hit. I'm the only executive who's defense isn't as strong, which is why if you wanted to make a statement the best way would be to take me out first."

"Yes, taking out the Ryunosuke Akutagawa, sounds like a fun game. However, that's not what we came here for."

This kid, he was nothing like before, he had a devilish smirk on his face, "as I've stated previously. A former rat member and a current rat member with a mafioso? That sounds like recipe for disaster, unless that's what you want?"

"Uhm, I've arrived?"

I turned my head to see none other than Nikolai Gogol, I bit my lip from saying anything else,

"Oh, you brought a mafioso?"

"Yea~!" B/f's normal smile returned now, "Nikolai, have you hallucinated recently?"

"I get one like every 3 days or so."

"Has that person told you anything since?"

"No, I mainly just see flashbacks of N/n now, nothing too serious."

"I see, that's why you stopped calling?"

He nodded, he looked at me, "Are you just going to stand there?"

I wanted to test something, "Y/n's in the mafia headquarters infirmary."

His eyes widened, B/f swatted my shoulder, "why would you say that?! This poor guy has enough on his plate as is!"

"She was just about to tell my partner and I what her hallucinations were about, unfortunately we didn't get that information. Instead she gripped her head and began screaming before passing out."

"Did she look like she was in pain..?"

"Of course she was, you could tell just by her posture. It was as if she-" my eyes widened, as if she was protecting herself.


"You never finished your sentence."

I turned my attention and focused solely on Nikolai, "have you had a hallucination about something that hurt you in the past?"

"Uh- yea, a few days back."

"Did it have to involve something physical?"

"Yea? What good does that information do?"

Whoever this guy is, he's making them see different things now, but if it's from her past, I can think of only one thing she was hallucinating about. That's exactly why she's been on edge and been so easily irritated, the one thing that hurt her growing up...

I ran away from the two and pulled out my phone to call Chuuya,

"Hey Aku? Where'd you run off to?"

"Her mother." I panted, I used Rashomon to quickly get back to headquarters


"She was hallucinating about her mother!"
so it's currently 5am and i haven't slept so yay for that, i hope you all stay safe, bye~

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