Elimination Game

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Fyodor's P.O.V.
I sat in my chair, typing. A knock was heard on the door, "Enter."

Nikolai entered the room and began speaking, "Dos, what will we do about Y/n? She is still with the enemy after all."

I sighed, "I'm aware. I'm not sure what to do, Y/n is someone we both care for, she's part of the reason why we are where we are right now."

"I know but Dos, we can't protect her and take out her colleagues, that'll look really suspicious. I highly doubt she'll let us even get close to both Mori or Dazai."

"To win, Dazai and Mori must be taken out of the equation. Therefore, whether she knows or not, our emotional attachment is to her, not them. We're taking them out."

Nikolai said nothing more but walked towards the door, he gripped the handle and then said, "you know she might not like this idea right?"

"She doesn't have to. You do understand why I'm doing this right? Nikolai, I want to make a world without gifted."

"I understand your motives and intentions Dos, but you're planning to hurt someone N/n cares for..."

"I understand it may be hard to bear but we must do whatever it takes to prevail. Do you understand?"

I seen him clutch the doorknob tightly, "I understand. Please tell me your plan when you think of one." Then he was gone...

I was left alone in my own thoughts.

-Few days later-

Dazai's P.O.V.
I wandered around the city trying to find where Y/n was hiding, this was a game we'd play quite often, hide and go seek. The loser does whatever the winner tells them to for a day, of course Y/n is a master of hiding so she's won more often than I have.

I walked into a deserted alleyway, I seen none other than Fyodor himself, "hey~ demon Fyodor~ what are you doing here?"

"Business, why are you here?"

"I'm playing a game of hide and go seek with my adorable little Y/n."

"I see. So?"

"So what?"

"She's not here, keep searching elsewhere."

"And you let out of my sight? Not a chance~"

"Well honestly I can't say I'm not surprised actually you made my job a lot easier. I intend to make a world without gifted, a world free of sin."

My eyes went dark, "oh? Do you now? Try it if you dare."

He chuckled to himself, "and to have that happen...Dazai Osamu...your involvement is something I need to take out." He lifted his hand up and I heard a gunshot.

A quick sense of pain shot through my entire side (literally😂) and I nearly lost balance, I caught myself after dropping down one of my knees. "You think she'll be happy with this?"

I began to hear a voice calling for me, "Dazai?! Where are you?" It was Atsushi.

"Of course she won't. But to fulfill my goals, this is the only way."

He began to walk away as my eye sight began to blur, I fell...and the pain and darkness consumed me entirely.

Your P.O.V.
I haven't seen Dazai in a few hours. I went looking for him but couldn't find anything. I decided to go back to his house and just wait for him until I received a phone call,

"Uhm- Y/n?"

"Yes? Atsushi I'm guessing?"

"Yes...I hate to inform you about this but-...Dazai...he got...Dazai got shot."

My eyes widened, "He what?!"

"He is in surgery right now."

I couldn't move, I managed to breathe out, "please tell me you're joking."

"Y/n I'm sorry."

It's because he was out in the opened wasn't it? He was alone wasn't he? What if he dies? What will I do? What will happen to me?

I snapped back to reality when Kunikida started talking, "Oi, he'll be fine. It'll take much more than a bullet to kill that man."

I pretended to feel better, "thank you Kunikida. I needed to hear that." I said then hung up.

Sitting all alone, touching Dazai's part of the bed, I thought. I knew what I was going to do and I knew Dazai wouldn't agree to it, I know who did this.

I stood up and got dressed in my usual attire. I walked down to a secret mafia passageway, then began to make my way to one of the rats bases, of course one that no big shots occupied.

"Who are you?" A guard stopped me

I looked up at him, rage filling my eyes entirely, I said nothing but walked past him after stabbing him in the neck.

Pretty soon, I had the whole hideout under control, I killed most of the members on camera, in awful, brutal ways. One by one. I did leave 7 alive, for not only insurance but my own amusement.

I am Y/n L/n, the most feared member of the mafia. One of the best torture specialists and a total nut case. I was acting without permission but at this rate, knowing full well what I'm capable of, who would be able to stop me?

I turned to my now tied up hostages, "now let's play a game, shall we?"

Some screamed, others tried to calm themselves and the people around them down. I laughed then regained order, "This game is called the Elimination Game. Where the captor has nothing to do with anything, the decisions are all left to the participants. All of you will have one vote, you will vote for who dies, the person with the most votes will die. If a single person doesn't vote, ALL of you will die, slow and painful deaths."

This was going to be very enjoyable for me, not so much for them.

I began to move every one in a circle, all of them still attached to a chair, I had a clipboard in my hands, I smirked, "let the game begin!"
hey~ so sorry about the delay, wattpad was kinda on something but it's all fixed now😌 thank you for being patient, i'm still slowly recovering but we are making good progress, until next time❤️

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