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Your P.O.V.
A few days have past and nothing has happened with the rats, within the mafia I can say the complete opposite.

Rebecca still hit on Dazai every chance she got, all I did was try my best not to show it bothered me so much. I walked to Mori's office, leaving Dazai alone in mine, to go talk to my father.

"Hey Dad?"

Mori wore a sad expression as Elise turned her head making a little "hmph" noise, once she saw me she rose from her seat and ran over to me, hugging me, "N/n!"

I patted her head, "you want to color?" She nodded then brought out coloring books.

We began to color as Mori sat in his chair, looking at us for a moment or two. He stood up and soon joined us on the floor.

A knock was heard at the door a few minutes later, Mori looked up at it then stood, "come in."

Rebecca walked in and behind her Dazai followed.

Now I know GOOD and WELL he did not walk with her, if he did...he can say goodbye to his future children, that bitch.

Dazai walked towards me then sat down, patting the floor next to him. I sighed the crawled over to him, laying down on my stomach to resume my coloring.

Dazai laid his head on my back and watched Elise and I.

"Y/n~" he pouted, "when are we going to have a kid?" He said looking at Elise, he started rubbing the back of my head

"Maybe when we're older and live less dangerous lives." I said, swatting his hand away, "Dazai knock it off, I'm trying to focus."

"I hope they get your eyes and my hair." I began to visualize a child and smiled, "yea, me too."

"What should we name it if it's a boy?"

Mori said an "ahem" noise as Rebecca looked at me in disgust, "Dazai, after catching you two...I don't think you should be talking about children in front of me unless you want to lose the privilege of making them."

Dazai chuckled and obviously decided to push how far he could go with Mori, "how about we name the boy after Mori?"

"Uhm..." I said then thought about it, "I don't know, maybe."

"Then again I don't know why but I really like the name Haruki." (don't judge me idk what it is about that name that i love so much.)

Mori sighed then began to have a conversation with Rebecca, "how many should we have?" Dazai now asked, he sat up and laid next to me, picking up a few crayons and began coloring

I turned my head to look at his face, my heart skipped a beat when I seen just how serious he was. I smiled then laid my head on his shoulder, "as many as you want."

His eyes lit up, "really?! So we can have 17?!"

I immediately moved away from him sitting up, "I- I don't know about 17 about we start with one first?"

He pouted again, "let's see..." he said focusing on his picture, "what should we name it if it's a girl?"

I shrugged, he made a pouty face then turned his head away, I laid back down next to him and pushed his hand, messing his picture up.

He gasped then looked at me, "how dare you!"

I stuck my tongue out, Elise started laughing, "Dazai's picture got ruined!"

Dazai looked sad, "I tried so hard."

I laughed at him, "it's not like coloring is a talent, anyone can do it loser."

Dazai huffed then reached his bandaged arm out to grab me, I jump up out of his way.

"Hey you two! Knock it off!" Mori shouted, Dazai chased me around the room, while Elise laughed and began clapping, she began a commentator of sorts. Commenting of what was going on.

Rebecca stood there, it seemed as if she was weirded out.

When Dazai finally caught me, he threw me over his shoulder and walked back over to where we were coloring, when he sat down, he pulled me into his lap and pointed at his picture, "apologize to my picture."

"No." I said turning my head away.

He looked deep in my eyes then smiled, "please apologize." He said sweetly


He made another pouty face, "please?"

"Okay okay. I'm sorry Mr. Picture."

He smiled then released me, "that wasn't so hard now was it?"

I still sat on his lap, I turned my head to pecked his lips quickly before getting off. When I looked at my picture, it was ruined as well. I immediately turned my gaze to Dazai, who snickered then began to look for another picture.

"I hate you." I mumbled.

"On a serious note, you still haven't decided a name for a girl yet."

I thought for a minute, as we both started to resume coloring. Elise showed her finished picture to Mori, earning a smile and handclap from him, "keep this up Elise and you'll give Chuuya a run for his money." She smiled and sat back down.

Dazai and I were still side by side, he touched my leg with his and place his over mine, almost as if he was intertwining them.

He laid his head against mine, "How about Mia?" I asked

He smiled and kissed my head, "I think it's perfect."
so idk why but the name haruki is just- it's really nice. i really like the name, sorry if you don't, you're free to change the names to whatever you'd like but for the people who don't want to think of names, there are two.
stay safe everyone <3

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