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Your P.O.V.
I woke up to see a sleeping Chuuya and Aku at both of my sides, Mori was asleep at the desk. I smiled thinking about all the kindness the three have given me throughout my life. I moved the sheets enough so I could get up but not enough to where I'd wake them. I got up and began to pace around the room.

This was just a test to see how good my durability was at this point. It seemed like I was at 70%. I woke up Chuuya, "Hey."

"Y/n?" He groaned then sat up immediately once he saw I was on my feet, "you shouldn't be up." He whispered not wanting to wake the others.

I placed a finger to my lips, "Shh. Wake up Aku and lets go to town."

"Are you sure? Can you walk good enough?"

"I'm at a good 70% I'll be fine."

Chuuya woke up Aku, they stood outside as I got dressed, I looked at Mori who was still sleeping soundly. I took a blanket that was nearby and covered him. I kissed the top of his head, "thanks for helping me out Dad. I'm going to town now." I whispered.

I walked out closing the door quietly behind me. "Why do you want to go to town?"

"I wanted to get everyone a gift."


"Well I did promise Elise some time ago that I'd go get her sweets and I just want to attempt to repay all the kindness you guys have given me."

Aku cracked a tiny smile, "then why are we going with you?"

"Because~ you will help."

"What?!" Chuuya made a disappointed face, "man here I was getting all hype for a gift to."

I laughed, of course you're getting a gift. I just can't let you know that. We walked out of headquarters then proceeded to walk to town, "Y/n, don't push yourself so much today either, if you're hurting. One of us can help you walk or something. You can't push yourself yet."

"Right right." I waved my hand in a childish motion. I yawned then walked into a store.

I decided to get Elise out of the way first, I got her three tiny strawberry cakes. While we were walking out, Chuuya took the bag from me, "we'll hold all of it."

I leaned over to him, "can you go try and find something Aku might like? I'll distract him for right now."

"Oooh~ alright." Chuuya said determined.

"Look for something for..." I stopped, looking at Aku, "antique. He likes calligraphy and paintings, if you can, get some tea and figs too."

"Alright." Chuuya handed Aku the bag for Elise and took off, "where's he going?"

"I managed to distract him so you can help me pick out something for him~"

Aku let out a weak chuckle, "you really are something."

I laughed, then we walked into a older liquor store that mainly sold wine (not sure if this is an actual thing but it's canon in this story😤), it goes without saying Chuuya loves wine. The man has a whole room dedicated to it, I remember when I was visiting him while he was sick he told me he had been collecting it for not too long. There was more than enough spaces that still needed to be filled with bottles.

"Let's see..." I memorized the shelves and began to recall the ones he had already. I walked around then seen a bottle I wasn't familiar with. I grabbed it and looked at it, "Jeroboam of Château Mouton-Rothschild- 1945?"

"I see you're not very familiar with wine, are you?" The keeper asked behind me

I laughed, "no a friend of mine is, it's a gift."

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