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Your P.O.V.
Dazai and I cuddled throughout the night, when we woke up the next morning we had to have a serious conversation,

"Dazai..." I said softly, he sat on his end of the bed, his feet were planted on the floor while he was buttoning his shirt up, he immediately stopped and turned to me, "Yes my love?"

"How-...when should we tell the others?"

"Well no one has to know, aside from Mori. I will personally tell Mori, I'm responsible for it therefore I will take the heat."

My eyes softened as I looked at him, his brown hair was messy but still looked so fluffy, "Are you sure?"

"Of course. I'll tell him when I get you to your office, it's your choice if you want to tell the other members of the mafia, but do keep in mind that you aren't a 'well-liked' person."

"I guess I'll just tell my group chat."

Dazai's head snapped toward me, "you have a group chat- and I'm not in it?!" He pouted

"Calm down loser, it's a mafioso group chat. Last I checked you're a member of the Agency."


He stood up and buttoned his pants, "Dearest, you should get up and get dressed."

"Oh right." I said, now standing. I touched my stomach then smiled. We're really going to be parents

-time skip because i do be lazy-

Your P.O.V.
I sat in my office chair then looked at my phone, I opened the group chat but still was unsure about the decision.

I soon heard yelling and I immediately took off towards the noise, it came from Mori's office. I opened the door and seen Mori beating Dazai with a clipboard, "YOU DID WHAT TO HER?!"

"Da-" they both looked at me and Dazai smiled, "I told you I had it covered."

I looked at him, "cOvErEd? Okay buddy, it looks like you're getting beat but alright."

Mori dropped the clipboard and ran to my side, "it's true?!"

I looked down at the floor, afraid to look my father in the eyes, "Y-Yes."

I finally mustered up the courage to look at him, despite the fact he seemed like he was going to beat Dazai to death a second ago, he looked at me with softened eyes.

He pulled me into a hug, "Okay, if you're happy with this, I am too."

He pulled away and sighed, "I didn't think I'd be a grandfather so early."

"You're literally in your early 40's but alright." Dazai said, Mori turned and glared at him, "you. Don't think that conversation is over with."

Dazai hugged me from behind, "yes well, right now what matter is her." He laid a kiss on the side of my head.

Mori crosses his arms and nodded, "its good you decided to at least have a child with a man who has half a head on his shoulders."

Dazai pointed at Mori then whined, "I don't have just half a head! I have a good head on my shoulders!"

"No, he's right. You're an idiot, you're lucky to have a head at all." I turned my head to him, he pulled away from me defensively, "You too?!"

Mori tapped his foot against the ground, "Okay, that's enough. Y/n, I need you to finish that report I assigned you."

"Oh right." I turned to the door, leaving Dazai behind.

"Y/n~!!!!" He pouted before running after me.

When we got back to my office I decided that I'd at least tell two of my closest friends, I called both Chuuya and Akutagawa to my office.

They took a few minutes to arrive and while we waited Dazai was explaining a new suicide technique he had read about online.

"Y/n?" I turned to see Chuuya, while Akutagawa was behind him, standing in the doorframe. "Come in."

They entered and I took a deep breath, Dazai smirked at Chuuya and Chuuya took offense to that, he got up and grabbed Dazai by his collar, "you looking for a fight bastard?!"

A low chuckle escaped the brunette's lips, before pulling away from Chuuya, "Y/n just had something to tell the two of you."

Chuuya looked at me then let Dazai's body fall to the floor as he dropped him. He took his seat next to Aku.

"If it's not too much trouble, nothing I say leaves this room."

Akutagawa coughed in his hand before saying, "of course."

I took another breath, before grabbing Dazai's bandaged hand, "so uhm- Dazai and I-"

"You're getting married?" Chuuya guessed, cutting me off.

"Well that too." Dazai smiled before placing a kiss on the top of my head, "no...well yea. But that comes later."

I deeply exhaled before saying, "Dazai and I are having a baby."

Chuuya closed his eyes then put his hands to his mouth and began mumbling. Soon he jumped over my desk and tackled Dazai, choking him, "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HER?! SHE'S ONLY 17 GOD DAMN IT! YOU TAINTED OUR INNOCENT BABY!"

I looked at the two then laughed, before turning to Akutagawa, it was hard to hear him over Chuuya's screams but he finally said, "I'm happy for you. You and Dazai really do make a good couple."

I smiled, "thank you Aku."
this is late sorry for that but- i've been busy simpin

kuroo from haikyuu really got me bent over backwards rn😔🤚🏻

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