Meeting Dazai

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3rd Person P.O.V.
B/n jolted out of bed, panting and covered in sweat. It's been the same dream for years now.

He sighed before placing his hand in his hair, raking the h/c hair back. He got out of bed after a minute, looking at his tiny billboard he has in his room with pictures of cases he was working on.

He yawned before looking in the mirror, his tired expression reflected back at him. He gave himself a soft smile before lifting his black shirt and pulling it over his head, taking it off.

His smile immediately faded as he looked down at a lengthy scar of his chest, he ran his finger down the scar in an attempt to rub it off, he always wanted to believe it was just his imagination, that what happened to him didn't really happen.

It did and he knew it did...but he didn't want to believe it no matter how many times he's done this action. Seeing it not go away, he frowned.

It was ugly and he hated it. The scar didn't even look professionally cut like it was originally supposed to be, he always questioned if the person who gave him the scar was even a doctor, they seemed more new to it than what they should have been. He remembered that day,

"Okay now B/n. I'm going to cut into you now."

"Hurry up." His blankness tone took the doctor by surprise. He felt a dull pain before the sound of gagging.

The doctor couldn't go through with the actual experiment but still attempt to slice into the small boy. Soon he dropped the scalpel and gripped his stomach, B/n looked at the man.

"What's wrong?" The boy asked, lifting his head up a bit to look down at the doctor.

"This is wrong- it's all wrong!" He cried out before another doctor walked in, he looked down at the man in front of him then up at B/n, who was still strapped to the operating table.

He looked deep into the child's lifeless eyes before turning to the doctor without giving the child a second look. The boy turned his head back to the bright light and closed his eyes. He felt himself bleeding however thought nothing of it.

B/n turned to his dresser before grabbing his uniform which he had hung up on one of the knobs. He lazily walked to the bathroom before hanging the uniform on the door. He yawned again before stripping himself and turning on the shower.

He stood under the cold water, he disliked warm water for some reason, he just didn't like it, it felt weird. Perhaps it was because he was bathed in cold water when he was younger.

After he finish showering, he got out and had gotten dressed in his uniform. He began walking for the door, he tripped over the set of shoes he left there the night before.

He grunted as he landed on the floor, he sighed before just laying there. He drifted back to sleep.

The sound of banging on the door filled the hallway. B/n who was soundlessly sleeping in the floor, didn't wake up. It was soon kicked down, "B/n! Wake up!"

He was shook awake by Teruko, he opened an red to see the girl wearing an angered face while two figures stood laughing.

He sat up to see Jono and Fukuchi laughing at him. He looked to his right to see Suehiro standing there eating something.

"I know you didn't raid my kitchen." He lazily said before attempting to stand up.

Suehiro looked away before hiding whatever it was he was eating. B/n threw his head back and sighed deeply, "What'd you come here for?"

"Your lazy ass didn't show up this morning so we came to see what you were doing." The commander said, attempting to muffle his laughs.

"And if I was busy?"

"Busy doing what?" Teruko now said, confused.

"Getting la-"

"Shut up Jono." B/n silenced Jono immediately.

Jono gave a slight chuckle before turning to the door, "Anyway let's go. We have work to do."

"Riiiiight." He responded lazily, B/n covered his yawn as he walked side by side with Fukuchi.

Teruko jumped on B/n, almost sending him straight to the floor again before he quickly regained his balance.

The Hunting Dogs made their way into town, patrolling the streets. Someone specific caught their eye. Dazai Osamu from the Armed Detective Agency.

That whole conflict may have been resolved but someone didn't sit right with B/n about him. His history was covered in blood...he chuckled at the thought that him and his twin worked good together.

Teruko still had her hands around his neck, before he noticed she was glaring at Dazai and his partner, who looked like Atsushi Nakajima.

He seemed to notice them and attempted to tell Dazai discreetly. The brunette looked over to them then skipped over to them, Jono looked at him then smirked.

"Hi~" The tall man said, Atsushi followed him in an attempt to not let him speak to them.

"Dazai-san! Please don't-"
i had no motivation so this was all i could write, tbh this chapter was suppose to go up two days ago but i totally forgot to proof read it(and i only proof read it once and usually iyou do it 4 or 5 times, so if there are mistakes forgive me but be mad at autocorrect), i am tired asf and im in history rn so yolo! i love you guys, stay safe and hydrated💖

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