Retrieve Mori pt.2

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3rd Person P.O.V.
It was supposed to be an in and out thing. It shouldn't have been taking this long. Y/n felt in her gut something was wrong, she looked over to Dazai who was still wearing an angered face, "Dazai...I think something happened to Nikolai."

-With Nikolai and Fyodor-
In their own battle, Fyodor was defending Nikolai as it didn't matter if he lived, Nikolai was the one who cared to weight of success of this mission on his shoulders.

It was supposed to be quick, people are dying. They both were able to hear Tachihara's scream, which signaled the worst for them. They were taking too long, however this place was a lot bigger than what it looked like and Fyodor was almost at his limit defending his lover.

Before Fyodor could take another fatal hit, Nikolai used his body as a shield for him, using his cloak to disappear and reappear in a different location, "Mori! Where are you?!"

The mission was already comprised, it didn't matter if people knew there were intruders, "Answer damn it!"

Nikolai continued to shout for Mori, while constantly using his ability to move to different locations to try and throw off the guards searching for him.

He heard a faint yell before grabbing Fyodor and getting closer to it, as the screaming got louder Fyodor was able to analyze the voice to see if it was really Mori or someone else trying to lure them into a trap. He shook his head, signaling to Nikolai it was indeed a trap.

The blond man continued his former actions, moving around constantly so they couldn't pinpoint his voice while shouting for the Mafia boss to shout back. All they needed to go was grab Mori and disappear, it was that simple.


-With Mori-
His eyes lightly opened, he lifted his head from his knees and rubbed his eyes, "What happened?"

He immediately woke up once he heard his name get called, the voice didn't sound too familiar but he automatically assumed they were here to rescue him, "Here!"

"I'm here! In here!"

"3 guards outside!" He kept shouting relentlessly, until his throat felt raw. He heard a cry at the door and grunts before it opened.

Two men walked into the cell room, Nikolai and Fyodor, the raven haired boy sighed before pulling out a set of keys, "We need to hurry."

Nikolai nodded as the cell door was unlocked and Mori's shackles clacked to the floor, "What's happening outside?"

"Haven't you been listening? I mean you have to be deaf considering how long I was shouting for you." Nikolai scoffed, grabbing his arm, "The Mafia is here fighting B/n and his army."

"B/n and Sigma are sweet young men, don't hurt them."

"I would say that all depends on the two of them. Come on, we need to go."

-Back at the battlefield-
Akutagawa has about hit his limit, he can't push Rashomon any further, however B/n looked to be just about as worn out as he did. His body slowly started transforming back until it was completely back to normal, he toppled over in a coughing fit.

B/n took that opportunity to try and capitalize on him however was stopped by Dazai once again, "You tend to always get in the way."

Dazai was originally supposed to be the one to deal with B/n however the entire plan fell apart, he couldn't help but feel solely responsible for everyone's death. Nikolai and Fyodor are no where to be seen and there's a lot more casualties than there are survivors right now. The Mafia was practically completely defeated.

B/n panted heavily, not intending to back down. Dazai, considering how much damage was done to his head, was barely able to think clearly. Y/n stood ready to get involved at any minute now.

The opponents began pushing back the Port Mafia once again, Tachihara was defending Gin's lifeless body as if his own life depended on it. Everyone was running low of stamina, no one had barely anything left.

Akutagawa pushed himself to stand up onto his feet, his knees slightly buckling which almost sent him tumbling right back down. He put his hand on Dazai's shoulder and signaled him to get back.

Y/n was struggling to deal with other things at this point, she was taking care of the rest of the army, if there were more inside and they came out, it would be over.

As she lost the rest of her strength, she had gotten stabbed in her left side, she felt as if her lung collapsed on impact. Dazai's attention soon turned to her before swiftly bending down and shooting the man three times in the back. He tried to break her fall however both of them fell to the ground.

-With Chuuya and Sigma-
Like all the others, these two were just as wore out. Sigma's entire right arm was completely crushed due to the debris Chuuya launched at him. Sigma was trying to last long enough so he could get the ginger to use Corruption as he wouldn't survive the conditions and would most likely die before going into the form.

Neither men moved however Chuuya, with a bloody face seemed to have something to say, "Weren't you with the Rats? Why are you with him?"

Sigma inched towards his belt where he pulled out a revolver, he cocked the revolver, he said two words before pulling the trigger, "No reason."

Chuuya attempted to block the bullet with his ability however he overexerted himself so he tried to move as quickly as he could to the side. The bullet lodged in his shoulder, sending him over the edge of the building, falling to his demise.

Tachihara was hellbent on defending Gin's body, afraid someone might come and do more damage to her. He seen Chuuya fall over the edge and used his own body to cushion the short man's fall, even if it was slightly, "You okay?"

"No..." Chuuya huffed before catching a glimpse of Gin's limp body, his eyes turned to Tachihara and he pulled him into a hug, "I'm sorry man."

It was silence from his end. The red haired man just sat there, feeling completely empty. A new emotion surfaced in him as he continued to look at Gin, he looked over the battlefield and seen Hirotsu's body as well, he was filled with rage.

The battle roared on, many others starting to regain their strength and making more trouble for the Port Mafia. A loud whistle was heard and attention turned to the sky, many people seen a little girl in a nursing outfit floating.

"He escaped! The Mafia boss escaped!" It sent the soldiers in a complete panic as Mori delivered devastating blows to end everything.

While Dazai and B/n were still having a hard time with one another, a pain ran throughout Dazai's left side, he looked down to see B/n stabbed his with a piece of broken glass, cutting his own hand wielding it. He let out a shaky breath before trying to regain his balance, unfortunately the brunette was sent straight to the floor. His vision went black.

Y/n, seeing her defeated boyfriend laid out on the floor, thought the worst. She attacked her brother, swinging at full force. He dodged all of her attacks, jumping around her however he felt a weird sensation behind him.

A rusted, sharpened metal pipe levitated in the air and flew straight for him, he managed to dodge for a good amount of time before he seen it was Tachihara who was controlling it, Akutagawa gave a lethal kick to the back of B/n's head, the e/c eyed man immediately regaining his balance. His vision blurred severely and for a moment he couldn't tell what was happening.

Elise ran for him with no mercy, B/n took it as Mori was angry at him for causing all the damage he's caused. Bloodied and bruised, the quick thinking young man had to do something. He watched as other members of his army were being crushed by Mori, Nikolai, and Fyodor. Although Fyodor looked to be severely injured already.

B/n sighed and jumped over the small girl, setting his sights on Dazai, who just regaining consciousness looked conflicted. He let out a slight groan of pain before trying to get back up, he let his left side tightly, blood dripping from the left side of his mouth. He was going to avenge Gin and everyone who had died even if it killed him.

"Dazai-san!" A familiar voice called out to him and his eyes went wide. He turned around to see the Armed Detective Agency, "You guys..."

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