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Your P.O.V.
"Y/n! You're okay!" Chuuya said in near tears at my bedside

"What happened?"

"After your last hallucination you lost consciousness for three whole days." Aku explained, "however I took that time to do some digging on what's going on with it."

"And?" Mori said, "get to it."

"Well, both B/f and myself now think it's an ability."

"An ability?" Chuuya asked confused.

"Okay, during the first hallucination, Nikolai stated someone said something at the very end. Something about if he doesn't follow the rules he'll kill Y/n, but there where no actual rules established." Aku took a breath then continued, "Yours and Nikolai's first hallucination, you guys saw the same thing and proceeded to do the same actions as if you weren't in control of your body. We believe that was a test run."

"That's nice and everything but do you have any suspects? Someone who has either touched both Nikolai and myself, or knows of Nikolai and my friendship?"

"No, there's only a limited few who know, that would be Fyodor, Chuuya, Mori, B/f and myself, but if it does happen to be outside the Port Mafia and the rats, it'll be difficult to track them."

"Let's see, speaking bluntly, B/f is the most suspicious at this time. He's had not only physical contact with both of you but from what Aku told me, B/f has been meeting with Nikolai way more than what you told him to." Chuuya said as if he was deep in thought

Mori's eyes darted across the room as the door opened, B/f stood there, examining the room, "oh sorry must've come at a bad time."

"It's fine, come take a seat. We're trying to figure out who did it." I waved my hand and gestured him to sit down

He smiled as he took a seat next to my bed, "Well, I think we can rule everyone in the Port Mafia out. I believe this ability is mainly transmitted by touch or touching something of the targets. Y/n, can you name the people you've been touched by in the past month?"

"Uhm-...I don't really remember any strangers touching me or accidentally bumping into me." I made a thinking face then something came back, "actually, I helped an elderly woman carry some bags to her house."

Mori made a look of surprise as he heard that, of course being a mafioso he wouldn't expect something like that, "Call Nikolai and see if he had contact with the same lady."

B/f pulled his phone out and called him, "Niko?"

I grabbed the phone from him, "Nikolai, have you had any contact with strangers in the past month?"

"Uh- What kind of question is that?"

"Hurry up and answer."

"N/n, are you alright? You sound worried."

"Have you helped someone who was either an elder or a child?" I asked.

"Wait what?" Aku said now confused at my question, I put Nikolai on speaker and began to explain my reasoning,

"Okay so let's say, this person isn't actually the owner of the ability, but has a different one. One that can make them transform into whoever they please. While using another person ability, one that can make who they have some sort of contact with. If they were able to just touch an item that we had on us at the time, that would be more than enough to start their ability up."

Nikolai hummed through the phone, "you make a good point actually. If there were two accomplices I could definitely picture your scenario."

B/f looked shocked almost, he didn't even think of that, "you're right, it makes perfect sense! So two accomplices? That means we're looking for two people."

"Well they'll have to wait, we have the rats to deal with first. Don't get me wrong this annoying ass ability has been pissing me off for a long while now but we can't afford to toss everything to the side and pursue them, we still have a job to do." I said, "Most of us here are mafia executives, our purpose is to follow our boss into this war with the rats. We can't stop now."

"Words of encouragement from the executive who doesn't even do her own work? That's rich." Mori stood up and smiled, "you heard her boys, this'll be dealt with at a later time."

"W-Wait! Mori was there?! I thought you weren't allowed to talk to me." Nikolai whispered the last part through the phone.

"It's fine, he knows about yours and B/f's meetings and apparently you guys have been meeting way more than what I asked you to." My head turned towards B/f who was chuckling nervously while playing with his hair.

"Hang up." Mori told me, then shouted, "Everyone, get back to work! The rats aren't going to defeat themselves! You'll all be given missions at a later time."

Everyone stood up and left, Mori pushed me back on the bed lightly, "rest a bit more, I'll have B/f come get you when I have a mission for you."

He tucked me in then kissed the top of my head, "what you did today was really brave, many people who have seen the things you have and then start to hallucinate about it would probably want their problem to be solved before going forward. I really appreciate you putting yourself to the side, just don't push yourself."

I nodded, then Mori left as well.
good morning! well it's 5am for me like usual, california time really do be early asf...i'm hungry actually....anyway! i hope you have a good day/night and take this love from author-chan🥰❤️❤️

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