2 and a Half Monsters

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A Guard's P.O.V. (At the prison or whatever)
My partner and I watched as those two men talked to each other, we were to listen to everything we hear and if it sounded suspicious we were to report it.

Nothing really sounded sus quite yet, the only weird thing that has been said since the two of them got here was 'how are you able to contact people on the outside?' which honestly didn't seem important because there is absolutely no way the two of them were able to contact others outside this prison.

We watched from the cameras that were set around the huge room. Dazai seemed in a more irritated mood than usual. I was guessing it was because of that girl who got tortured on camera the other day. She seemed young, someone close to their age. From the information I gathered it was a member of the mafia. An executive or whatever.

I turned to my partner and he was completely focused, writing down on a piece of paper. I looked over his shoulder to see what he was doing, he was writing down codes? I turned my attention back to the camera and heard them not saying any words but using codes.

I hurried and sat down then grabbed a pen and began to scribble down what I heard. It was hard this they were both talking so fast I couldn't really get it all. My partner and I soon gave up and just began to listen, while watching them.

"How are they able to know what the other is saying?"

"Guessing? They're truly monsters."

These two men, they're the most dangerous criminals in the world. I was unsure about the capture of Fyodor from the beginning, it all seemed too fishy. If he already had an outside plan I could see why he didn't resist. Putting these two together, trying to figure them out, was completely impossible.

"Oi Dazai."


"Why don't we play a game of chess?"

A game of chess? With what board?

"Alright you start."

What? How exactly where they going to play? That's when I realized- after hearing they're next few moves I realized that they had the entire chessboard committed to memory! How is that possible?

"Sending your queen out already?"

Dazai smirked, "of course, go big or go home right?"

I got really suspicious at that, what if it's possible each piece of the 'board' is a member of their given side? (An example would be like knight=Atsushi) I wrote it down. My partner stared at the screen in full shock,

"They're monsters...they- they memorized a whole chessboard?"

"It doesn't sound likely, but if you think about who we're dealing with...it doesn't sound too bad...I guess."

Mori's P.O.V.
I sat next to Y/n's bedside, she was sleeping. I hoped her headache went away by now but I still took the rag off her head and put it in warm water, then rang it out and placed it back on her head.

She definitely wasn't used to this kind of attention because she's never been hurt to this extent. She has never once failed a mission, although she didn't fail this one, I know she blames herself for what happened.

She slept soundly. I got up and decided to make her something to eat before she wakes up, I walked quietly out of the room before shutting the door behind me. I ran into Chuuya,

"Hey Boss! She feeling better?"

"She's sleeping right now but she'll be back on her feet in no time, you know our Y/n."

"Of course!" He smiled then it faded, "so uh- can I have another mission?"

"To distract yourself?"

"Until now, Y/n, with Dazai's help, has done everything. I want to try and help her out, even if it's just a little." He said looking away due to embarrassment.

"Aku feels the same thing I'm guessing?"


"I'll prepare you two a mission then. However up until then, please whenever I can't, watch over Y/n. You know how she's always had a thing for making enemies in her own organization."

"I'll head to her right now. Thank you Boss."

Chuuya walked at a fast pace away from me, I could only assume it was because he was still embarrassed from the request of a mission.

I chuckled to myself before walking into the kitchen, "let's see...the best thing right now would be something warm and goes down easy."

I made her soup then placed it on a tray, taking it to her. I stopped in front of the door to hear laughing, I smiled softly, "they always have gotten along well, haven't they?"

I opened the door and there sat Chuuya, laughing brightly. Aku, who was seated on the other side of the bed, chuckled quietly. They turned their attention to me, "Oh Boss."

"Y/n, are you feeling hungry?"

"I feel like I've been starved." She said sadly.

"How?! I just fed you like two hours ago!"

"I don't know...but gimme! I'm hungry!" She said reaching out for the tray, I moved it out of her reach, "what do you say first? Use your manners little lady."


I handed the tray to her, "and?"

"Thank you for the meal, Dad."

"Good girl!" I ruffled her hair softly.

I checked her wounds after she was done eating and seen that some of them were already healed. Of course I expected as much....

Because she heals like a monster
can someone explain to me why i barely to half of my work in class but now that i'm going to start online classes THEY WANT TO GIVE 10x MORE WORK THAN BEFORE? this is bullshit😒

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