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Your P.O.V.
Today is April Fools, honestly I'm not that big on it, in earlier years Dazai would always pull pranks on everyone, including myself. One year he brought a stack on blank papers in my office, making me think I had a lot more work to do since he'd always find a way to convince me to do something else besides work with him.

I sighed, looking down at the paper work, "Dazai, I hope you're okay."

I wanted to see him so bad, it's been about a month since he's been since his lock up. I missed him.

My phone rang, "Y/n speaking."

"Hey." A familiar voice said through the phone, Mori.

"What's up Dad?"

"Nothing, you said you wanted B/f to join the mafia right?"

"Yes, have you made a decision?"

"I have. He'll start today and you will be his superior."

"Okay, thank you."

I hung up then called B/f, "hey~ so Mori said you're my subordinate~"

"Really?! Awesome!"

"Yea but I'm not sure when you want to take our first mission."

"It's fine, whenever works for you."

"alright. Well you should come down to hq and meet the gang."

"Okay I'll be there soon."

When B/f arrived, I walked over to him, taking his hand and leading him to Chuuya, "This is Chuuya Nakahara, like me he's an executive."

He bowed, "thanks for having me."

"No problem, just don't cause too much trouble. Y/n here is the queen of troublemakers, along with that idiot Dazai."

B/f's P.O.V.
I watched as Y/n blushed at Chuuya's comment then swatting his shoulder lightly, "oh please~ I don't cause that much trouble."

"Yea sure you don't. Whatever, Aku and I are taking a mission."

Akutagawa Ryunosuke walked towards the group, the short ginger haired male turned around, "alright we're heading out."

"Hey Aku, before you go." Y/n said as she grabbed a fistful of his coat, he turned around and eyed her, silently.

The strong silent type?

"This is the new recruit, B/f. He'll be training under me."

Akutagawa looked towards me now, something must've clicked in his head because his eyes widened a bit, "isn't that the rat guy?"

Chuuya examined me closely now, "Hey you're right!"

They both glared at Y/n, who held her tiny hands up defensively, "Hey, don't look at me, it was Mori's idea."

"No it wasn't. It was your idea that I let slide." Another voice from behind her, I looked to see who it was.

The Port Mafia's Boss, Mori Ogai. A little girl was at his side, "Rintaro! You told me you'd take me to that cake shop remember!"

His expression softened, "yes of course Elise! Just let me finish speaking with them okay?"

The little blonde girl, known as Elise, pouted but watched the conversation,

"So you willingly let a member of the rats join us?" Chuuya asked, furious.

Akutagawa proceeded to look at me, then looked at Y/n, "what's the meaning of this?"

"Well~" Y/n put her hands behind her head carelessly, "you see...B/f was a former member of the rats, yes. However he has information that will be helpful to the Mafia. That's why I requested him to join."

"That doesn't make sense." Chuuya turned to Mori, "you know just because she's your daughter doesn't mean you go along with every decision she thinks is best!"

Mori looked at Chuuya, his soft expression was long gone by now. Chuuya wore an angry expression, while Akutagawa had a blank one.

Y/n had her eyes closed, "alright alright. He's a friend of mine, due to him being a past member of the rats, assassination is always on the table to silence him."

Akutagawa looked at her, then looked back at me, I was shocked, I'm watching the Port Mafia Boss and 3 executives decide what will be done with me.

Will I be killed?

"If you will not allow him to continue to be a member of the Mafia, I will personally ensure his safety." She said, now completely serious.

I touched her shoulder, they snapped their heads toward me, "Y/n, if they want to kill me, that's fine. I don't want you to go out of your way to protect me."

"You show great promise to our organization, the information you have can be used to make up a new strategy to go after the rats, I will not allow you to be disposed of."

Despite her trying to act all business-like, I saw right through it, she didn't want me to be killed because I'm one of her only friends.

Mori, who had stayed silent most of the conversation, spoke once again, "and that is why I allowed him to join. I did tell him not everyone will like the fact he's here."

Chuuya's angered face now softened when he looked at her, he sighed deeply, "I don't like it, but he better pull his own weight or I'll kill him."

Akutagawa coughed in his hand, after he said, "as long as he's strong and can protect her if needed, I'm fine with it."

Y/n looked up at me, then she smiled, "See I got things handled!"

"You two go on your mission." Mori said, looking at Chuuya and Akutagawa, he then turned and looked at Y/n and I, "I'll deal with you two when Elise and I return."

Elise jumped up happily and hugged Y/n, "Bye Y/n! I'll see you later!"

"Bye Elise."

She turned to me, "let's go take those shots."

I laughed and followed her.
😩😩😩ONLINE SCHOOL HAS ME DEAD i don't want to do it anymore. but aside from all that, i still have really bad writers block so at this point if you would kindly comment what you'd like to see in future chapters that would be nice. thank you and stay safe, also this is not proofread

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