Nappy Hair Don't Care😎

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Your P.O.V.
I woke up next to Dazai, I smiled as I seen him still sleeping soundlessly.

I sat up and smacked his head, "get up loser."

I earned a groan and him turning over, his back facing me. I placed my hand on his bandaged back, planting a soft kiss on the back of his head.

"Y/n." He sounded serious, which wasn't necessarily a common thing.


He turned over and pulled me close to him, "If you're pregnant, promise me you'll take some time off."

I looked at him and blinked a few times, "Dazai, are you kidding? I couldn't possibly-"

"Your and the baby's safety means more to me than anything else. Promise."

"I...I'll have to think about it."

He smiled, "okay, I love you. Hurry up and get dressed or you'll be late."

"Oh shit!" I scrambled out of bed then hurried to put clothes on. After getting dressed I grabbed Dazai's arm and pulled him out of the door and threw him in the car.

He rubbed his head softly mumbling "ow." While I started driving, after we got to headquarters I immediately jumped out of the car, closing the door and tossing the keys to Dazai. I took off sprinting into the building and got to my office, panting trying to catch my breath, I sat down.

Mori walked in and I pretended as if I was doing work, "Hey Dad."

"Where were you last night? You didn't call home."

"With Dazai..." I mumbled, "He asked if I'd stay with him because he was feeling sad yesterday."

Mori looked suspicious and eyed me, "mmhm."

"Man! What'd you come in here for?!" I raised my voice defensively, changing the subject

"Just this." He handed me a file, "have Dazai look over it, while he's here he might as well be useful."

I nodded and set the file aside, "oh and Y/n dear."


"You might want to brush out that mop you call hair."

I clicked my tongue then angrily let out a deep breath, "I'll find Chuuya and see if he has a brush. Leave me alone."

Mori chuckled to himself then left me alone in the office, I texted Chuuya.

Me: are you here yet?

ChuChu😎: no, driving now. why?

Me: i need a brush

ChuChu😎: i'll bring one for you

Me: thanks😒

I waited and shortly Dazai walked in, "how is there little to no parking space?!" He whined

"Shut up and look at this file." I sighed throwing the file at him, the papers scattered everywhere and Dazai's face turned into a soft glare, "I hope you plan to pick that up." He grumbled

"Oh yea? Buddy you're in my turf, now drop that ass and pick up those papers." I laughed at him.

He sighed then kneeled down and began to pick the items off the floor, I chuckled looking down at him. Not bothering to turn to me, he said, "are you enjoying the view?"

"Seeing you on your knees is something new, don't you think Dazai?"

"I guess it's a change from me seeing you in your knees, shall we use last night as exhibit A?"

I glared at him, neither of us noticing Chuuya in the doorway, "first of all, that's fucking gross."

Both of our attention turned to him, I started laughing and he looked at me, "here's the brush, you look like you had fun last night."

Dazai rolled his eyes, sitting on the couch and looking over the file, not looking at either of us he said, "you should've heard her."

"Bitch- don't start that shit before I make you pick up the file again."

Chuuya tossed me the brush and turned around, "I think I'll close this for you, seems you two might have some hate sex soon."

"Oh please, she's too much of a goody goody to get it on with her father in the same building."

"I will end you and your pathetic existence." I glared at him.

Chuuya closed the door and we sat in silence for a few minutes, not bothering to speak to one another or look at the other. It was so quiet, the only things you heard were my pen moving and Dazai flipping through papers.

I lifted my arms to stretch and Dazai's gaze landed on me. When we made eye contact, we stared at the other for a few seconds before busting into laughter.

Dazai grabbed the file and stood up, walking towards my desk. I looked at him as he pulled me out of my seat then sat down, "uh- excuse you bitch."

"Come sit on daddy's lap."

"Now I know good and fucking well you did not just-" I looked down at him while he smirked up at me, I said nothing else but sat on his lap.

"Wow didn't think that would actually work." His arms snakes around my waist, "Shut up."

"Say it."

"Say what?"

"Call me daddy." He whispered in my ear

"Call me daddy." I responded, giggling.

"I-" Dazai sighed, "close enough I guess."
reeeee! i'm back. now- idk if y'all into that daddy shit so this is what i have for you, i personally do be into that😳🤚🏻 i just ate like 5 bowls of coco puffs and i'm still hungry😔 quarantine is gonna make me fat😭

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