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Dazai's P.O.V.
It's been a month since Haruki's birth, ever since then we've been a loving family. Through the good and the bad, Y/n and I have pushed through it.

She loves Haruki just as much as I do. Although she does want to strangle him at times for giving me more attention, she's playful. Her guard is let down, that's a good thing...and a bad thing.

Tragedy struck a few days ago, an assassin was given a job to take the both of us out. Knowing we have a child would let them know that we would be willing to protect him even at the cost of our own lives.

Although I can't blame them, it is the best time to plan an attack however it was just as stupid as it was smart. As it stands, Y/n's guard is down but that doesn't mean she's any less unaware of her surroundings as I am.

-3 days ago- (3rd person)
The assassin entered through the window, unaware to him that when Haruki was sleeping the young couple's guard shoots up.

He crept upstairs, into the baby's room. Before he could react, someone hit him on the head, hard enough to make him collapse completely. He wasn't unconscious so he assumed his assaulter held back or wasn't strong enough to knock him out.

He slowly turned his head to reveal a young woman in pajamas, looking down at him with a bug eyed smile. She bent down to reveal a taller man who gave him a cold, frightening glare.

It dawned on him why this job was worth so much, he walked in blind without knowing anything about the couple. The two in the underworld were classified as torture specialists.

The man was terrified at what awaited him, when he opened his eyes again he seen the two conversing, the woman took a step toward him and he managed to make out some of the words she was saying,

" noise gets to him. He doesn't...go sleep easily, we'll be...all night if you don't...this right, Dazai."

"Of course love."

He felt his body being lifted off the floor, it seemed she was dumb enough not to fish through his pockets before lifting him, as he was over her shoulder, he pulled a knife and attempted to stab her. She broke his wrist with such ease but was more concerned with muffling his screams.

She took him out of the house and began walking. He past out for a bit, when he came to, the girl was still walking. He barely managed to move his head. His vision blurred but he managed to make out the slight of trees.

They must've been deep in the woods by now. All of a sudden, he felt a sharp pain in his side and realized he had been thrown to the floor. The girl stood over him, she said, "now, you won't wake anyone up with your screams."

When she said that, a chill went down the man's spine. Her cold gaze followed him as he attempted to crawl away and muster up the courage to scream. When the sound left his throat, a light chuckle erupted from the girl.

He heard a clicking sound before a pain in his left leg, when he turned his head, he seen the girl with a terrified expression and her arm was extended out as if she threw something, moving his head back more he seen a pocket knife embedded in his leg.

He let out a howl of pain, before looking up at the girl, his vision blurred. She smiled down at him, the crazy look on her face was something he'd dream about. That was...if he survived.

The truth was he was terrified with what was going to happen to him, he was terrified of what this girl was capable of, he was terrified of death, he didn't want to die.

He didn't want to die.

As the girl approached him, she ripped the knife out of his leg and proceeded to stabbed him in the back, he yelped out before beginning to cry.

He didn't want to die. He didn't want to die. He had to do something or...he was going to die!

He attempted to move but before he could he seen red, he was confused of what he was seeing then it dawned on him, he was seeing his own blood. He was stabbed in his head, his vision slowly turned black before...

he lost himself the darkness for good.

The girl felt his body go limp before standing up, red dyed her white shirt. Instead of thinking about the man she just killed, she was thinking of how to get the blood out without damaging the shirt. She tended to throw the clothes away after acts like this.

She extended her arm and removed the knife from the assassins head. As she turned to leave, she smiled. Happy she defended her family, happy she didn't murder this man for her own satisfaction.

She headed home and when she got there, she looked upon her boyfriend, who saw the blood on her clothing but instead of being disgusted or shocked...he smiled.

The girl remembered why she fell in love with this man...

Because he was just as twisted as she was.
this is probably one of the only times i've ever written in 3rd person and- lowkey kinda proud of it. i think this is probably one of the best chapters i've written in a while🥴

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