Happy Birthday Fyodor!

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3rd Person P.O.V.
Nikolai eagerly shook Author-Chan awake, she pushed on the taller man, "What?" She grumbled in a sleepy voice.

"Today is Dos' birthday." The man whispered and she immediately jumped off the couch, she took off to the room and seen Fyodor, sleeping soundly.

She crept to the closet and pulled out random clothes, closing the door quietly as she exited. She walked back to Nikolai, pulling on a big shirt, which smelt like him so she assumed it was Nikolai's.

"You look so cute in my clothes."

"Shut up, today isn't about you."

He pouted as he followed the shorter female out of the door, they walked throughout town, Author-Chan made a group chat with the regulars, everyone except Fyodor.

(the texts are in your pov)

(the texts are in your pov)

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They walked to the given location, Fyodor didn't like sweets all that much so Nikolai decided to gift him his favorite coffee

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They walked to the given location, Fyodor didn't like sweets all that much so Nikolai decided to gift him his favorite coffee. He held it up proudly, smiling at the female, who looked back at him then returned to her task, not giving him a second look.

He sighed defeatedly before placing it in the cart, Chuuya was the first to arrive. "Hey." He said, walking towards Author-Chan.

"Hello love!" The female smiled at the shorter man and went in for a hug.(ew hugs, disgusting😒 i'm lying gimme hugs🥺) Chuuya gave a light gasp, looking at her in surprise before hugging her back.

He looked at Nikolai, who looked extremely jealous for some odd reason, feeling powerful Chuuya lifted his hand and flipped him off. Nikolai nodded slowly before turning around slightly mouthing, "I'll remember that."

The two pulled away from each other and Akutagawa along with Gin and Tachihara arrived.

"Hey guys!" Tachihara waved, walking towards the three.

Dazai was dragged into the store by Y/n, who looked annoyed as baby Haruki was strapped to her chest, giggling and clapping.

"I really had a kid WITH A KID." She complained before sighing. Nikolai walked towards her and smiled, grabbing little Haruki and spinning him around. He put the baby on his shoulders and smiled back at Y/n, "You relax for now, I'm actually good with kids."

Y/n smiled back awkwardly before Dazai started pawing at her hips, "Babyyyyy, I said I didn't want to comeeee. Fuck Fyodor."

Author-Chan nodded before jumping on Dazai and beginning to wrestle him. Higuchi ran inside the store and tried to pull the two apart, once the two were separated, they began to argue with one another,

"I may be straight but these hands are bisexual, come get some bitch!"

"These hands rated E for everyone, lemme go. I'm bout to end this mans whole career!"

It wasn't until Haruki sniffled that everyone went dead quiet. Dazai looked at his son and began to whine, "No my precious baby, not him being in the arms of a criminal." He sunk to the floor.

Y/n crossed her arms before laughing at her boyfriend, "First and foremost, get up and stop acting like a child. Second, you're also a criminal, shut up."

"Actually, my record was wiped, get it right." He said sarcastically before pulling himself up.

Author-Chan looked at the time, "Fyodor should be getting up soon."

"2 in the afternoon?" Tachihara said concerned.

"Dos doesn't sleep a whole bunch so when he does- he sleeps a while."

Gin nodded, grabbing a few things off the shelf and putting in them the cart. "We should get going then."

They paid for their items and left. On the way back to the three's apartment, Dazai and Author-Chan began to bicker again. Their significant others putting a stop to it immediately, Higuchi was crying over Haruki while Chuuya laughed at her before taking the baby and smiling.

When they got back to the apartment they began to set up, Author-Chan and Nikolai were to provide a distraction for Fyodor as everyone finished their tasks.

Fyodor woke up and seen the two sitting on the bed, arguing, then they saw him and smiled.

"What?" He said, yawning before standing up.

"You'd look hotter if you slept naked~" Nikolai stood up and walked over to him, wrapping his arms around his waist and kissing the side of his head.

"Strip me in my sleep then, you act like it's hard." He gave another yawn before asking, "What time is it?"

"2 something." Author-Chan stood up and hugged Fyodor from behind, he turned his head slightly to look at her before bending his arm behind him to rub her back.

The two let go of him before watching him enter the bathroom, once they seen the bathroom door close they immediately took off down the hall. Everything was ready, Y/n dashed over to the curtains and pulled them closed, everything got dark.

The two went back to the room as they heard each person searching for a hiding place. Fyodor cracked his neck before putting on a shirt. He saw the two walk back in them looked at them confused, "What's going on?"

"Huh?" Author-Chan said, "Oh nothing, we were making breakfast. This dumbass burnt the toast."

Fyodor gave a chuckle, "I see. What's today's date?"

"The 11th." (stfu it's the 11th now)

"Mm." He said in a low tone, he raked his hand through his hair before shrugging. He must've not realized what today was.

"I'm hungry." He said as he led the two out of the room, unaware of what was happening in the kitchen.

"Why is it so dark?" He mumbled before grabbing a curtain and opening it. To his surprise,

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone jumped out and shouted.

Fyodor stood there then blinked a few times, looking at each person individually. It must've taken a minute for him to process what happened, "Who's birthday is it?"

Dazai sighed before Y/n hit his shoulder, "Today isn't about you."

Haruki clapped and struggled to say happy birthday to him. Fyodor looked confused, "It's my birthday?"

"Yes." Author-Chan laughed before hugging him. "Happy Birthday my love."

He smiled softly before saying, "Thank you everyone."

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