The plan

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Dazai's P.O.V.
Y/n and I sat in the cafe below the Agency, "I think this'll work."

She nodded in agreement, "yea, I believe so to."

"Hey y/n, you do know why I left the mafia right?"

"It's not any of my business."


"Dazai, all this relationship will be is professional. We can't be together."


"Because, we're on opposing sides now, do you really think the boss and your president will allow it?"

"The president will probably not like it but he won't stop it."

"Pro-fess-ion-al." She sounded out, looking at me annoyed.

"We can-"

"No. No we can't." She got up, "I'm leaving."

And just like that she was gone, "shit."

At a get together, a "party" of some sorts, y/n sat there, downing bottle after bottle, not showing the tiniest sign of being drunk.

A man covered in blood walked in, everyone turned and gasped.

"Y/n-san...I didn't mean to-"

She stood up, "what did you do?"

"I f-failed the-"

Before the man could even finish y/n punched him into the wall.

"She's gotten a lot more scary over the years, at this point, Mori doesn't even try to calm her down. If she goes off, she goes off. Everyone in her way will become a victim." Chuuya stood next to me and explained.

"What do you mean?"

"She got to the point to where even her former superiors were scared of her, she's the most feared member of the mafia. She's hurt others that have gotten involved with her and her subordinates, 2 even died from their injuries."

I froze in shock then turned to an blank y/n beating the poor man senseless, she grabbed his collar, "fail another mission and I'll kill you not once, not twice, but 3 times." She spat harshly.

She let him go then his near lifeless body dropped to the floor, he laid there in a pool of his own blood.

"Y/n-san, I've finished the assignment." Another man came up to her.

"Did you-"

"Fail? Of course not, you are talking to one of the strongest subordinates you have."

"I see, keep up to good work."

I look down at Chuuya, he stood there shocked, "what?" I asked

"She doesn't usually praise anyone."

We looked back at the man, now leaning over to have y/n pat his head, "what a dog." She chuckled

"Your dog." He corrected then laughed.

"I don't understand why you'd want to be-"

"Who knows?"

Y/n looked upon the man, even leaning over he was taller than her, she went back to her regular stone face, although it was noticeable to see she was still angry.

She walked past the man and over to Mori, she grabbed a slip of paper from his pocket and wrote something down, she placed it back

"Oi! We're heading out."

The man stopped flirting with Kyoka and walked towards her, "alright."

"Don't flirt with 14 year olds either, that's a case."

"14?!" He facepalmed, "shit."

"Idiot, let's go. You have a gun right?"

"Yea, where we going?"


"Storming the rats?"

"If we move stealthy now then we can take out more guards, however I can guess Fyodor has a plan for shit like that, but no. I have another place we need to storm."

"Alright, follow the leader." He said, moving to her side.

She said nothing else but headed for a window, they both jumped.

"Has she manifested an ability yet?" I asked, looking down at Chuuya

"No, not from what we know, we believe she relies on his ability."

"I see..."


A few days later, our plan was finally in action. We all stood at our given posts, the teams of Kunikida and Higuchi and Chuuya and I, stood beside the stealth squad,

"So you believe this'll work?" Tanizaki asked rather concerned

"It should if you don't fuck up." Y/n spat

Chuuya hit her upside the head, "don't be mean now."

"It's true, if they fuck up they should be held responsible." Aku agreed.

Chuuya sighed, "whatever, anyway let's get ready."

Aku took off running soon after Atsushi sighed and ran after him,

"Let's get ready doesn't be go yet, idiots." Y/n said sourly

"Wh are you so-" Chuuya started, cut off by her running off

Tanizaki and Kyoka stood there then looked at each other, "go on." I said, waving my hand

They took off soon after as well.
🤪what's up! a bitch is alive and decided to give y'all a post because i really enjoy writing and everything, i got a lot of work to still do but i'll try my hardest to continue uploading whenever i can

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