Set Into Action

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Dazai's P.O.V.
I yawned, looking at Fyodor then sighed, "it's boring being here y'know?"

"It is, isn't it?"

I stretched as I sat up and looked at the camera, "guard-san~! I'm hungry!"

I waved at it, soon Fyodor joined me. He also waved at the camera, "I am too."

The guards soon walked in with two trays, one walked toward my cell while the other walked toward Fyodor's.

I held my hands out as they unlocked the cell to give me the food, I took the tray and waited for Fyodor.

"Aren't you polite?"

"Well you're the closest thing to company I have, thought we might as well eat together."

Fyodor chuckled, "hey Dazai, you really do like N/n right?"

"No, I don't like her. I love her. But what's your point?"

"Of course you'd say something cheesy like that. I just needed to make sure I'm giving her to the right guy."

"'Giving her'? She's free to chose who she wants."

"Correct, but the rats originally became an organization to protect her you know. I've always had a sneaking suspicion that Niko was into her..." he made a thinking face, "now that you mention it, it was Niko's birthday yesterday."

My eyes widened, could that actually be true? If Nikolai likes her, what's stopping him from taking her? I'm not there to protect her.

"Oi~ Dazai~ don't think too much. Nikolai's a pussy. Even if he did have the balls to say something to her, he'd play it off as a joke."

I relaxed, "that makes my happy."

"Well or at least I think." He smirked, "Nikolai, despite how he acts, is not stupid. He has the knowledge and ability to persuade people being a master of disguise just makes it easier."

Y/n, don't trust Nikolai. No matter what.

"Even I know he's not trustworthy and I grew up with him. I know deep down inside there's a part of him who has no issue killing anyone, even a close friend. N/n is like a stranger to him at this point, why should he worry about killing her?"

His smirk appeared again, "speaking of which it should be time."


The screen that we seen Y/n get tortured on lit up.

A man, in clown attire, appeared on the screen, he was sitting in a chair with one leg folded across the other one, he lifted his hands and said,


Y/n, are you watching? You mustn't trust Nikolai!

Your P.O.V.
I was in Mori's office, with Chuuya and Aku, we were coloring with Elise, then the tv Mori was watching turned channels, there we seen a man sitting in a chair.

Mori's eyes immediately glared at me, I stared wide eyed at the screen.

"What is he thinking?!"

I remembered what he said yesterday, "Because the plan we have causes me to reveal my face."

This is the plan?! Is he stupid?!

"Y/n." Mori said, clear irritation in his voice.

"He said something about their plan, it was going to reveal his face but I didn't think he meant this."

He began to talk, "hello~!"

"I am Nikolai Gogol, a member of the Decay of Angels."

Chuuya and Aku looked at the tv, rather seriously, "what is the idiot thinking?"

"I wish I knew. I didn't think Fyodor would be so stupid to have one-"

I soon began to theorize what was going on, "Oi! What if Fyodor is trying to send a message?"

"Nice to meet you, members of the Armed Detective Agency and friends!"

"I'm going to give you 'four' pieces of information~ since of course I'm such a nice guy~!"

I stared at the screen, "now this~...this is a beautiful creation I made myself."

I listened but got up and opened the window, to see if it was being broadcasted to everyone, it wasn't. Which means only the allies of the Armed Detective Agency are receiving this?

"It's a body-cutting show! Real chainsaws and everything! I don't joke around folks!" He laughed then clapped his hands

"Now you may be wondering, 'Niko~ why are you showing us this~?' Well do I have an answer for you."

"Boom!" A curtain fell and the camera showed four men tied up, "I have bound the highest government officials to said machine~!"

He held up a two, "second of all! If anyone else besides the members the Armed Detective Agency attempt to interfere, the chainsaws will start up immediately." When he said interfere, he pointed at the door.

"'What will the chainsaws do?' you might ask, the chainsaws will cut their bodies in two!" He clapped again

"This is a little game. The rules are:
1. As I've already stated the only players of this game will be the Detective Agency.
2. No contacting or working with any type of police force."

"Only two rules?" Chuuya said, "shit. We can't even help!"

Nikolai made a thinking face, "wasn't there something else?"

His face twisted into a wicked smirk then held up a three, "oh yea~ the chainsaws will start at 6pm sharp!"

I looked at the clock, 5:34pm.

"that can't be enough time." I sighed.

"We'll need to believe in them." Mori nodded, he clutched his hands, he didn't like this at all.

"He said four right? Where's the fourth one?" Aku asked

"Ahh yes! The fourth one!" Nikolai held up four fingers then shrugged, "oh dear! I forgot there wasn't a fourth one."

He turned to the hooded man besides him, "do you have any ideas on how to cover this up?!"


"Just a broadcasting accident! The camera! Turn off the camera!"

The screen went black then returned the the news.

"Son of a bitch!" Chuuya slammed his hands on the floor.

I recalled everything Nikolai said then pulled out my phone, I dialed Atsushi, "Oi! Listen to me!"

"Y/n? You're not supposed to interfere!"

I smirked, "Interfering would be going in the building myself, he made that clear. This is only giving you helpful advice."

"Alright, put me on speaker."

I began to explain a plan I had to them, "you really that'll work?" Kunikida asked

"I hope so but you don't have much time, hurry and go. If anyone of you run into Nikolai, do not fight him. His gift is still a mystery, he's dangerous."


I hung up then sighed, Mori look at me then smiled, "you just found a way to bend the rules."

"Happens quite a lot with me, correct?"

We went back to coloring with Elise, hoping everyone would remain safe.
i decided it was finally time to get everything on their way so, you're welcome. some of the text has been taken from chapter 58 of the manga.

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