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Your P.O.V.
I stood there, paralyzed.

"What? Did you not expect this?"

"Y-You-" I couldn't speak, I was terrified and couldn't even explain why.

All the years I wanted for this moment, was that just to see him...or was it fear? I never thought that after all these years I would more scared of him than-

My thought process was stopped by another voice, "Hey B/n!" It was a female, the one I had ran into the last time I seen the Hunting Dogs.

What was her name? Teruko? Te- did it even start with a T?

She looked at me, confused for a moment, as if she was trying to remember where she'd seen me from, "You're-!"

I smiled and waved, "hi~!"

My brother looked at the smaller girl, "That's the twin I always told you about."

"Really?!" She examined me throughly, "She was the one I attempted to arrest but lost sight of, she's fast."

Out of the corner of my eye, I seen the trio, Fyodor, Niko, and Author-Chan. B/n must've seen where I was looking and tracked my gaze, "Aren't they-"

Our gazing was done very discreetly however it caught Author-Chan's attention. She turned back and gave a smile.

B/n walked towards the three, Fyodor and Nikolai disappeared suddenly, leaving her behind.(disrespectful bitches😃👊🏻) She was brought over to me and asked a series of questions,

"Did you know who they were?"


"Where do you live?"


I looked at her in surprise. The three of them of lived in an apartment.

"Okay, be extremely cautious around them please."

"Of course sir." She bowed politely then smiled at me, she soon walked away.

My brain took a minute to process what just happened, Author-Chan lying?

"Anyway, the mafia will go down within good time." B/n smiled, "now I have to go."

"Do you want to go out for food or something?!" I said unexpectedly, even I was shocked saying it.

B/n looked at the girl beside him before shrugging, "sure."

We walked to a local cafe. After we were seated, neither of us said a word. He looked out the window while my eyes were glued to my hands.

"Did you think I was dead or something? I still don't know why you're so surprised to see me."

"Honestly..." I left out a chuckle, "I don't know either, we're twins after all."

"Mm." He said, his attention was still focused outside. He acted as if he didn't care about what I was talking about.


I jumped slightly at him calling me, "You're still with the mafia yes?"

"Yea, what about it?"

"Nothing." He crossed his arms as he leaned back in the booth, "I didn't think you'd still be with them after finding someone like Dazai."


"How's your kid?"

I froze. "My what?"

"Your kid, what did you not expect me to know?"

"No." I responded with dryly however my guard rose immediately. As I was right now, I didn't care if he was my brother, if he threatened the lives of Dazai and Haruki, I can take care of him right here.

"You think you can kill me right here and now if I tried anything to hurt Dazai or that baby huh?" He said nonchalantly, he moved his hand behind his head and folded them, "Well unlike you, I have a gift."

"How? Neither of us-"

"It was given to me."

"Oh." That was all I could say, after sitting there in silence for another few minutes I came to the conclusion that this was a bad idea from the beginning.

When I first saw him, I should've killed him or at least ran so he didn't see me. How did he know so much about my life? Has he been keeping tabs on me? If so, how? When did he get an ability? How does it work?

My head was spinning with questions I didn't have answers to, I was pulled out of thought but him standing up, "Well, this wasn't really interesting at all. I'm leaving."

I watched him leave without another word, he had a sinister aura around him. He wasn't the person I once knew, the older brother who protected me from the bullies at school.

An image of who he once was popped into my head. I smiled at the thought, sure we may have had our differences and we weren't really close but we still helped one another out when we needed it. He was a good brother nonetheless.

Which raised another question, did he keep tabs on him out of concern for my own safety or did he do it so he can organize a plan to defeat me?

He seemed so different the answer was almost impossible to predict. The old B/n it would've been the first option but now- is it possible...

That he truly wants to kill me?
hey guys, so currently i hate my life- i'm stressing tf out because of the nonsense they call school, like who tf even needs this shit- strippers make bank and all they do is dance and shit...👀lemme go practice my dancing, stay hydrated and safe love you guys!❤️

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