Missing You

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*little nsfw*

Your P.O.V.
I drove him to my residence, it seemed we were both extremely happy to see one another again, yet it was completely silent.

Dazai broke the silence, "I missed you so much." He said, kissing my forehead then stepping out of the car, "and you could've let me drive."

"Definitely not. I'd fear for my life if you drove."

He wore a playful sad expression, "oh you wound me~!" He gripped the clothing covering his chest and leaned against the car.

"Shut up and get in the house. You know Mori doesn't like you over here."

"Yet this is your 12th time sneaking me in." He smiled, wrapping his arm around my waist, "let's go~!"

Soon my phone started to ring and I slapped my hand over his mouth to answer, "Y/n speaking."

"Where are you?" Mori asked through the phone

"With Dazai." I said trying to stall time until I could think of a place.

"I know that but where?"

"At the park." I immediately said, Mori let out a hum of satisfaction and then said, "alright, stay safe and do not, I repeat DO NOT let him touch you."

"Sir yes sir." I said taking the phone away from my ear to hang up. Dazai looked at me then laughed, "he still have a problem with us?"

"Not necessarily us...but the thought of you taking advantage of me."

He acted as if he was offended, "how dare he think such a thing?! I have never-"

"Shut up loser, you've tried."

"That's not the same thing! You see, I've made advances." He smiled as if he was 100% right.

"Oh~ really?"

"Yes ma'am. On top of that, I know Mori wants grandchildren so I'm just trying to help."

"Why would you want to help him? I mean, we're enemies."

"I think you know as well as I do, as long as we remain together the Agency and Mafia won't fight each other."

I nodded, "true."

Dazai turned the tv on, "I haven't watched tv in forever!"

"You're so annoying." I said, cuddling up next to him, he wrapped an arm around my waist then purposely fell over pulling me down with him. He kissed my cheek then turned his attention to the tv, "how many times have I said I missed you?"

I pulled his face towards me, "not enough you asshole."

He smiled then pushed his body closer to mine, "I really did miss you Y/n."

"I missed you too Dazai." I laid against his chest and focused on the tv. I'm guessing he thought it would be funny to start messing with me, like the asshole he is.

He licked my neck and I slapped him instinctively, "Yo stop playing." I got off of him and moved as far as the couch would let me get.

He smirked then proceeded to come closer to me, "Dazai stop." I said taking the couch pillow beside me and wacking him upside the head with it, he fell to the floor and began laughing,

"God, I missed this." He said, pulling himself off the floor to sit back on the couch.

"See I missed you up until you did that, now I wish you were locked up again." I turned my head away from him.

"No~ don't say mean things like that! I just got out!" He pouted, stretching his arms to grab me and pull me closer to him.

I stuck my tongue out as our bodies pressed together and Dazai lifted my head up to look at him, "Have I ever told you how much I love your eyes?" His chocolate orbs staring deep into my e/c eyes.

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