My Queen

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Dazai's P.O.V.
I sighed but turned my attention to the tv, occasionally looking at Y/n whenever Mori wasn't paying attention, we made funny faces at each other when we caught the others eye at the same time.

We were watching Scary Movie (if y'all haven't watched that, it's on Netflix. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU WATCH IT, it's funny😌) , Mori got up for a moment and went to another room, we looked at each other then smiled.

Y/n stuck her tongue out at me and I felt my face heat up intensely, I felt a smile tug at my lips. Mori came back then sat in the same spot, he sighed, "I can't believe you two."

"We were caught up in the moment." I held my index finger in the air, stating the truth.

Mori's eyes opened and gave me a glare, "Dazai if I see you touch my daughter in an inappropriate manner again, I won't hesitate to chop off your fingers."

Y/n laughed, "yea Dazai. You heard him!"

Mori's glare shifted to her, "you allowed it."

She began to whistle and then look away, "I don't know what you're referring to." She made a thinking face then turned back to her father, "wait a minute, I don't want to hear anything from you! I'm way tinier than he is! It would be impossible for me to try and fight him off me if he pinned me down."

I nodded in full agreement, "she is pretty short."

"Don't call me short you suicidal asshole!"

"Short." I said looking at her, she glared at me then began to climb over Mori, he was pushing her back by her shoulders, "let me at him! Stop protecting him Dad!" She said reaching her hand out to hit me, she couldn't.

She soon got frustrated and stood up, "I'm leaving!" She huffed then grabbed her coat, which had been lying on the floor. I stood up as well, getting ready to follow her, Mori stopped the both of us dead in our tracks saying, "Don't you even think about going to Dazai's house." His voice was stern and it appeared to give Y/n chills, "yessir." She mumbled before opening the door.

We walked down the street in complete silence, "So shorty."

She uppercutted me, "shut up bitch, I'm still growing."

I laughed then a memory of Chuuya saying the same thing popped in my head, I looked at her and my face twisted in disgust, "don't say that anymore."

"I'm still growing." She said, sticking her tongue out, "I can't believe you let Mori catch us."

"I honestly didn't hear him coming at all." She crossed her arms at my response, "Yea yea whatever."

"I'm serious!" I whined, wrapping my arm around her waist. I pulled her closer to me then smiled, "I'm glad to be out of that cell though. I almost forgot what fresh air felt like."

She elbowed me in the side, "right."

-a few days later-

Your P.O.V.
It's been a few days since Dazai's been back and it's been amazing being able to spend time with him again.

He'd come to work with me and sit in my office as I did my work, occasionally helping me out, just like old times.

I was happy having him around, until I ran into trouble. Specifically, a certain girl constantly throwing herself at him.

Rebecca talks to Dazai and attempts to get his attention every time we're not in my office.

I was called into Mori's office and Dazai followed me, like a puppy. I went in alone for obvious reasons, he was a member of the Armed Detective Agency, he didn't need to meddle in Mafia affairs.

Dazai's P.O.V.
I stood outside the door, leaning against the wall. Rebecca, like usual, had walked up to me,

"Hey Dazai-kun, do you think you can help me with this?" She said in a cutesy tone. She handed me a file and I looked inside it.

After reading the (irrelevant teehee) file, I looked at her and began to explain what she needed to do, "Thank you so so much!" She said, tugging on my collar to bring me down to her eye level, she kissed my cheek before I could pull away.

The door opened and a scalpel came flying from the same direction, Rebecca jumped back. I was surprised at her reflexes.

Y/n stood in front of me, as if she was guarding me, "look, I'm not sure what your intentions being here are but don't try and touch something that doesn't belong to you."

I chuckled before kissing the top of her head, I grabbed her hand and led her back to her office. I could tell just by the tone of voice she used, she was angry.

I sat in her chair and pulled her on my lap, "it's okay. I promise. You're my queen, no ones taking your place." I kissed her clothed shoulder.

I felt her weight shift on top of me, she turned her head and smiled, holding her left up, showing the gold ring I had got her, "of course I know that."

I took her hand and kissed it, then kissed her, "I love you baby."

"I love you too."

She turned back and began to complete her work while I held her against me, resting my head on her back, and fell asleep.
ahaaaaa haaaaa, i don't know why but i'm literally so hungry rn😭 and this online school work is getting out of control there's so much for literally no reason, but be safe you guys and make sure to drink water😎 bye!

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