A Rare Bond

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Your P.O.V.
I looked Mori, confused to what was going on, "what?"

"What do you mean 'what'? Watch this damn show with me child."

"What's the show?" I said slowly, still confused as to why he wanted to watch a show with me.

"It's called 'All American' I heard it's popular with kids your age. So we're going to watch it together, now sit down." (jordan baker oh lord😍)

"Isn't that a football show?"

"Y/n." Mori said, more sternly than determined, "if I say sit down one more damn time."

I immediately jumped over the table to sit down next to Mori on the couch in our residence. Although it was weird to me, Mori really did want to spend time with me.

I smiled at that as we began to watch the show, "the second season just came out, with Yukito on the move, I decided that everyone will have a little break."

"So basically you're saying that due to Yukito Ayatsuji's existence, you let everyone in the mafia have spring break?"

"Yes." He nodded

I facepalmed, "that was the most stupidest-"

He shoved a family sized package of f/c (favorite candy, something you can get in stores, an example would be skittles or sour patch kids) in my face then chuckled, "shut up and enjoy our daddy-daughter time."

"I feel oddly uncomfortable when you call yourself daddy, Dad."

He was looking at the tv, he didn't bother turning his head away from it, "That's probably because most of the girls your age call their boyfriends-" he snapped his head towards me, "Are you sexually active?!"

"WOAH THERE MATE." I said putting my hands up defensively, "are you assuming I call Dazai 'daddy'?!"

"I pray for your sake and his, you don't!"

"I don't! We haven't even done anything!" I shook my head, "I can't believe you expect such foul behavior from your own daughter."

"My daughter is a mafia executive, being sexually active is the least of my worries, though I can't say I'm not happy that you two haven't done anything. It makes me feel like a normal father to talk with you like this."

I laughed then nodded, "yea, except any other father would try to take off my boyfriend's head if they so much as assume I call my boyfriend something other than the basics. First of all, I think I just call him by his name. I don't remember the last time I actually called him babe or something."

We turned our attention to the tv, Mori sighed, "that's good. That's a relief. Knowing Dazai, I thought for sure he would trick you into doing something. Thank god."

"He has. I'm just not dumb enough to fall for it."

Mori clapped, "yes, we don't fall for obvious tricks, period."

I inhaled deeply, "Dad, don't ever say period in front of anyone but me."

Despite the fact my father walks around with the label 'Big Bad Dangerous Mafia Boss' in actuality Mori Ogai is a total dork.

He was a bestfriend and a father wrapped in one, I have never trusted anyone the way I trust my father. He listens to me when I need to voice my problems and even asks me for strategies we could use.

We have a bond that is really rare among fathers and daughters even though our lifestyle is rare as well. But it's nice to see that he has fatherly instincts.

"Why? I thought it sounded alright."

"Dad, you say..." I stopped and recalled his last sentence, "actually yea, that was a okay use of it."

Mori smiled, "see I told you."

I chuckled while shaking my head, "you're something else. I still can't get over the fact you really just-" I stopped myself from speaking but looked at him, still shaking my head.

"It was a question that needed to be asked! I don't want my little girl ending up pregnant at 17!"

"Dad...Dad." I facepalmed again, "I'm sure Dazai doesn't want to be a father at 17 either."

I began to think about it, then began to speak again, "remind me not to sleep with him, if I were to say something about kids he'd probably say something like he wants one or two and that- no."

"That ain't it chief." Mori said. We shared a laugh then we turned or attention to the tv, not saying anything else but began watching All American.
again no inspiration, and if you are interested in watching all american it is in netflix but let me just tell you👀 that show- 👌🏻 i love it

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