It's Finally Over

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Dazai stood still, looking over all the damage to not only the city, but to the morale of the people around him. The atmosphere was so quiet, mourning the dead.

That anger that stirred inside him never rested, if he had done this, if he had done that, those were the thoughts clouding his mind.

"Dazai." Y/n rested her head against him, "Stop thinking about it."

"Gin is dead, how can I not think about it?" The venom-like anger snapped back at his girlfriend, before he could apologize, he felt soft shaking against him.

He looked down at a miserable Y/n who was choking back sobs, his anger subsided and he wrapped his arms around her, "We did the best we could."

The lie that both of them tried to convince themselves wasn't fooling either one of them. They could've done better. They should've done better. If they did better Gin would still be alive. If they did better Tachihara wouldn't be a sobbing mess. If they did better the battlefield wouldn't be so silent.

War is not something anyone should have to go through. It damages lives and can't be undone. Those lost in this fight won't ever be brought back. They had to learn this the hard way.

Mori stood there, looking at the deceased bodies, angry with himself that these good people died.

Chuuya was sitting in front of Akutagawa, the pale man's head buried in the ginger's shoulder, sobbing uncontrollably at his loss. How was he supposed to go home without her? How was he supposed to live? Everything will be different now.

Nothing will ever be the same.

Everyone still left on the battlefield went home. Unsure of what to do with their lives now.

-Timeskip to 2 years later-

Akutagawa pulled his shoes on. Standing in the doorway, he looked back at the boxed up apartment, "I'm going to work, Gin. I'll be home by 8, I..." His voice trailed off before closing his eyes. He tightly gripped his elbow and looked at the picture he hung up on his wall of them, "I know I didn't say it much but I love you."

He looked down at the urn on the table below the picture, he stiffened up. The young man hated that his sister was no longer here, he hated being in the empty apartment all alone.

Everything was different now, Higuchi never got to see Gin after that. She was still a little messed up from it but she became Haruki's full time babysitter, leaving the Port Mafia to do so. She made sure to tell the little boy all about his Auntie Gin and how cool she was. She showed pictures to him of Gin holding him when he was a baby.

Granted the child was too young to understand why Auntie Gin was so important but his face began to light up every time Higuchi got out her scrapbook in memory of one of her best friends.

Dazai, Chuuya, and Y/n went back to their regular lives at their respective organizations. For the three of them, work was still the same however they were by no means the same people.

Fyodor and Nikolai had isolated themselves from the Port Mafia and everyone in it. They moved out of the country and went back to Russia to cause less sorrow. No one knew they left, not even their closest friend, Y/n. They utilized Author-Chan's therapeutic training. She didn't mind in the end given how badly the situation messed up Nikolai specifically.

Author-Chan did feel powerless at a certain point as Nikolai was making no progress in understanding that everything that happened wasn't his fault. Fyodor even tried to attempt to manipulate him into thinking so. However the feeling never shook from the blond.

B/n and the rest of the Hunting Dogs went back to work as usual, news of Sigma's escape burned a target on B/n's back for a while. However one night, a knock was heard at the door.

B/n got up and opened it, seeing Sigma in the doorway, "Now why'd you come back?"

"You. Why else?"

"And to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Run away with me."

"You sound like Prince Charming, Sigma. I have a job to do, I can't run from it."

"Yes you can, we can live in peace without fear of retribution. Just come with me. Besides it'll be fun."

After a few moments of silence, B/n walked out the door, folding his arms behind his head, "You got any idea where we'll go?"

"Nope but we can find out along the way." Sigma smiled before planting a soft kiss on the h/c male's cheek.

B/n looked shocked for a moment, unsure what to do. Sigma seen the embarrassment flush his face, "Have you never been kissed before?"

The younger man covered his face before speeding up his pace, "Keep walking."
Tachihara didn't move on. He left the Port Mafia and began to do what Gin and him planned when they went on their last date together. If he had known it was going to be their last, he would've gone above and beyond for her...

-Flashback to 4 years ago-

"Is there seriously nothing you want to do with your life, Tachi?"

"As long as all of it is with you, I don't care."

She smiled before kissing his cheek, "Then one day, let's travel somewhere, anywhere will be fine, 'as long all of it is with you.'"

The couple shared a small kiss while giggling, turning their heads back to the movie, "How about America?"

"Hmm I don't know...How about Greek?" Gin's smile was so bright it could brighten a room.

"Greek it is m'lady."

She wrapped her arms around his neck before extending her legs on his thighs, "I love you Tachihara."

"I love you too Gin."

Tachihara grabbed his necklace, filled her with ashes, and smiled, "We're doing it together, Gin."

it's been quite a ride but i think this is the end of this book, it went on a lot longer and was a lot more popular than i originally planned it to be. thank you to everyone who stayed and continued to read this shit show, i love you all, goodbye now <3

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