Helping Out a Friend

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Dazai's P.O.V.
I watched as that man hurt her, I immediately looked at Fyodor as he looked at me,

"Did you order that?" I growled

"No...This is a surprise to me as well...she must be in a lot of pain. Poor N/n."

We turned our attention back to the screen and watched that man beat her some more then Nikolai appeared.

After a few moments of conversing with the man, Nikolai killed him then immediately went to Y/n's aid. The camera soon shut off.

I sighed, "thank god Nikolai is allowed to do his own thing. He might not have saved her if he was dedicated to the rats."

"You may be right. I'm glad she's safe as well." Fyodor took a deep breath then rubbed his eyes.


"With Nikolai around, I'm always tired." He stated then a smirk appeared on his face, "Also Dazai I was surprised to see you not make a fuss when she was in nothing more than her undergarments."

"I definitely did not like it."

Fyodor chuckled before laying down and turning his back to me. I sat there for hours in perfect silence.

Your P.O.V.
"Ow! Niko! That hurts!"

"Of course it's gonna hurt. It's rubbing alcohol."

"Take it off! It burns!" I whined, attempting to move away.

Nikolai sighed, then pinned my arms above my head (😏kinky), "stay still or it will hurt more."

I whined at the pain, "At least be more gentle."

Nikolai released my hands then looked at me, "it's kinda sad. You have such a nice little body and it's all bruised and hurt now."

"Little?" I said in offense, "I am not little!"

Nikolai stood up and walked to the cabinet and got a roll of white bandages. Only then did I realize just how tall Nikolai has gotten.

"I would suggest that Mori snitches you up when I take you back."

I stared at him, "N/n, are you okay?" He bent down to my eye level and looked at me, concern filled his eyes.

"You got so tall." I said still staring at him

Nikolai's face went blank then he began to laugh, "N/n, you just noticed?"

"You're-...You're huge!" I said, "how did you get so big?!"


"Because I wanna be big!"

Nikolai chuckled into his hand then said, "N/n" he rested his hand on the top of my head, "you're big enough."

"But Niko is suuuuper big!" I laughed childishly.

"Yes. Niko got really big, Dos got bi- no, he's small." Nikolai chuckled

"Muy pequeño." I giggled (very small)

"So the painkillers are kicking in? You only acted like this when you were on medication you weren't used to taking."


Nikolai laughed, "okay let's take you back to the Mafia after I bandage you up."


He began to wrap the bandages around my wounds and then once he finished, he turned around and offered a piggy back ride.

I smiled brightly before wrapping my arms around his neck, he lifted me up gently looking at me every now and then, looking for signs of discomfort.

He used his gift, which was my first time experiencing it, to teleport us in front of Mafia headquarters. He walked in without a care in world.

Mafiosos were always armed. Almost at all times, they took their guns from their waistbands and pointed them at Nikolai.

I lifted my hand up and they, still holding them, pointed the guns at the floor, "Who is he?"

"A friend."

"A friend who just happens to appear out of nowhere carrying an injured Mafia executive on his back?"

"That's what it looks like." I turned my attention to Nikolai, "Forward!"

He smiled and walked past the mafiosos. He walked to Mori's office and entered without knocking. Mori, like usual, was dressing Elise.

"Y/n! Are you alright?!" He placed the dress aside and quickly got out of his seat.

"Yea I'm good. Niko here helped me out. Turns out that mission was a scam after all."

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright, don't blame yourself. I took it knowing the risk."

Niko said nothing but put me down, "N/n, next time we meet, we'll be fighting."

"Then prepare for defeat."

He chuckled then just like that, he disappeared.

"I think I need snitches."

Elise had dressed herself instead of Mori. He nodded and helped me up, taking me to the infirmary, where he did put 5 snitches.

"That boy..."

"Was Nikolai, yes."

"You don't think Fyodor would've order this right?"

"No I don't. It could've been someone acting out of spite or just going against orders."

"Okay. Y/n, Nikolai was right you know. You'll have to face them sooner or later."

"I don't want to hurt them. They feel the same way."

"I understand but...sometimes to do some good you have to be the bad guy."

I nodded and said nothing else as Mori began patching me up properly.
heyo sorry i haven't posted in the past 3 days, i didn't feel well. but it's alright because we back and better than never😌 enjoy this shit chapter because i currently have writers block.

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