This is Your Beginning

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Your P.O.V.
She had me down on the floor again, hitting me, another day I guess.

"I should've never had you! You're a disappointment to this family!" She grabbed the usual cleaned knife and was about to cut my wrist before the door opened.

In the doorway stood my father, looking at her in disgust, he grabbed my hand and snatched me away from her, "I've done nothing for years, I acted as if I didn't know for years! I'm tired of waiting and sitting on my ass."

Due to her state of shock, the knife made a noise as it fell to the floor.

Waiting? What's he waiting for? Of course, we both knew he could've stopped it, he had the strength to, but why didn't he? I remembered all the words he had told me once before then it clicked, the reason he taught me all I know is because he wanted me to stand up for myself, he wanted me to fight back and after 4 years of taking her beatings, I finally did.

I quickly grabbed the knife and ran towards her. I tackled her and plunged the knife into her right shoulder, laughing while doing so. I laughed even harder when I saw the blood flow from her. This is the one who hurt me for so many years. This is the threat...who needed to be silenced.

She screamed, a sound from her lips I've never once heard, she's made moans of equal sound but she sounded as if she was in pain. I smiled at that, my eyes got softer knowing she felt pain, the truth was I loved my mother. I loved her so much.

She began to call out to my father, pleading for his help, "get this monster off me!"

He paid no mind to her, his eyes were focused on me and my movements, "what will you do now? She can still kick you."

She took that idea from him as she soon began to full force ram her knee into my back, I rolled off her, then attacked again. I cut her face, originally I was trying to stab her in the eye but she managed to move last second. I was angry, I was hurt. I wanted to hurt her. No...that's not what I wanted.

My e/c eyes burned with immense hatred, I wanted to kill her, the same amount of hatred she had given me during my entire life, I planned to return every last bit of it.

She managed to stand and at a moment of desperation forced herself to run to the kitchen. I followed behind her, walking slowly but not slow enough to were she was too far ahead of me. The reason I took my time is because I knew my father wasn't going to let her escape.

Once I got into the kitchen, she got me back. She stabbed me in the side. I, for once, didn't feel any pain...I only felt anger, without even flinching I swung my knife again,

"You look insane!" She screamed, "you monster!"

She has called me a monster once before to, she called me a lot of names, names I never wanted to be called again.

I finally wrestled her to the ground, instead of fighting back she protected her stomach, at my young age I didn't know what that meant. I continued on with my attack, blinded by rage.

"Does it hurt mommy?" I laughed insanely.

Soon she stopped screaming, her hands fell to her sides. That's when the reality hit me, I killed her, I killed my own mother.

I laughed again then said "wow mommy, you look like a really nice piece of art."

I smiled at my work of art, as I watched her body continue to bleed out, I held my knees and rocked back and forth to the sound of the loud clock that was in the living room. I began to giggle then mimicked the clock, "tick tock, tick tock." I had almost lost myself in the darkness.

I was able to hear my heartbeat in my ears followed by a man's screaming, I soon remembered my father was still here. I scrambled to the door and opened it.

3 men stood above a bloodied body on the floor, "Not so tough now are you, Mr. Executive?"

I heard something slice the air and the man's head was gone.

"You fucking monster!"

My father turned his face to me, there was blood trickling down the right side of his mouth, he made a pained face but still smiled at me, I snapped.

I ran out with the bloodied knife and attacked those men, I remembered his words

"If you're opponent does happen to be bigger than you, the best way to work around that is going for their legs to get them on the ground."

I did exactly that, I went for the first man's legs, stabbing him in the knee before moving on to the second man, I threw myself on the floor as he swung something at me, I slid across the floor and cut the back of his ankle. Both men fell to the ground as my father quickly got back on his feet, and shot them both.

He lost his strength, "Daddy!" I lifted his head up as he fell, "It'll be fine Y/n."

"F/n!" (Fathers name) A dark haired man shouted, running in the house.

"M-Mori...take good care of my little girl. Take the others and give them to an orphanage or something."

"You want me to take this one in? Why?"

"My protégé, she has a lot of potential for mafia affairs."

The man looked at me, I looked back at the man I began to cry, "Save my Daddy please!"

The dark haired man my father called Mori pulled me into his chest, "I'm sorry my dear, there's nothing I can do."


I looked at my dying father, "re...member your're...the...bes..." he fell short as he passed away

"Daddy no!" I pulled away from Mori and held my dead father, sobbing.

"What happen-! Y/N!" My elder brother ran to us. (if you don't have an older brother that's fine, just call him something)

He turned to see the younger ones walking down the stairs, "Hey! Stay up there!"

"Brother? What's wrong?"

B/n (brothers name), quickly shielded their eyes, of course there was one too many children so he focused on the girls,

"Where's mommy?" The youngest girl asked

I tugged on Mori's shirt, "I hurt Mommy, she's in the kitchen."

He nodded, he turned to the men who came with him, "take them all to an orphanage."

"I have somewhere to stay." My older brother said

"Big Brother? What's happening?" There was a man covering my youngest brothers eyes.

"Everyone, turn around and allow these men to put you in the car."

"Will we all be together?" The older sister asked

"Yes, don't worry about your Big Bro and Big Sis, we'll be fine."

I looked as B/n helped them to the men as they were picked up and taken out of the house. He didn't look disgusted at all, he turned to me, "Y/n, where's mom?"

I shrugged, looking at Father. B/n looked irritated, "who are you?"

"Members of the organization your father was with. Son, do you not care for his death?" Mori asked

"No, the son of a bitch could rot in hell for all I care."

I grabbed him by his shirt, "don't talk about Daddy like that!" My brother was taller than me but this took him by surprise. He pushed me away before walking out of the house without another word.

Mori patted my shoulder, "this is your beginning."
i got bored so i thought it would be nice to take a few chapters and go through y/n's backstory, i'm obviously not a good writer so😅 i hope you guys enjoy this

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