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3rd person P.O.V.
The shorter girl looked up at her two tall boyfriends, "which one should I get?!"

"Don't you think you have a little too much of a sweet tooth Author-Chan?"

"Whaaaat?! No!" She denied it then attempted to hide the contents of her basket.

Nikolai laughed before hugging her form behind, "why don't you just get both?"

Her eyes lit up as she kissed the taller male before placing both treats in the basket. The darker haired male, Fyodor, sighed then said, " guys are like children."

The blond man smiled then kissed his boyfriend before taking off to another aisle with the brown haired female.

Fyodor gave a small sigh before following them, getting actual food and beverages instead of candy and junk food, like his lovers were focused on.

As he was about to turn into the next aisle, he ran into Y/n, his h/c best friend.

"Oh N/n, hey." He said in a hurry.

"What's the rush? Since I have a kid you don't have time for me anymore?" She said suspiciously, blocking off his cart with her own.

He shook his head, "it's not like that, I just need to get to Niko and Author-Chan before they buy every candy in the store."

"Sounds like you got worse kid issues than I do." She laughed before a familiar face popped up from behind her. Dazai, her boyfriend.

"Oh." His tone immediately dropped after seeing the dark haired man, "you."

"Hey now, Dazai don't be mean." Y/n swatted his chest. He kissed the side of her head before taking her hand into his.

A loud commotion came from down the aisle and they looked to see what it was. Two figures were fighting, Fyodor gave a lengthy sigh before leaving his cart and running towards them.

"Oi! Knock that off!" He grabbed their shoulders and separated them. Author-Chan was whining while Nikolai was arguing with him.

Dazai and Y/n traveled down the aisle and the brunette man began to laugh. "Wow he is dealing with worse kid issues than we are, isn't he babes?"

A small chuckle erupted from his lover before nodding. Y/n pointed at Author-Chan before asking, "so who's she?"

Nikolai felt a small pang in his chest when he realized who was speaking but nonetheless grabbed Author-Chan's hands and pulled her closer to him. He smiled down at her while she kissed him unexpectedly.

With a blush on her cheeks, she twirled over to Fyodor, planting a kiss on his lips as well. "I am Author-Chan." She smiled at the couple, who stood in shock with what they just witnessed.

"Uhh-" Dazai began, "so who are you dating-?"

"Hmm?" The girl turned her attention to the tall man before smiling, "why both of them silly!"

Y/n looked at Dazai, confused, "That's a thing?"

"Well yea, but you don't see it very often..."

The (short/tall) girl eyed the other suspiciously while her lover was more focused on Nikolai.

With a reddened face, Nikolai still argued with his shorter girlfriend, before she hit him on top of his head, causing a laugh to erupt from Fyodor and pouting from Nikolai.

Dazai started at Nikolai and he soon realized it, looking back at the brunette, he eyed him curiously. Dazai signaled to Y/n and Nikolai smiled while shaking his head.

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