Is This Real?

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Your P.O.V.
After I returned to headquarters I immediately went to find Chuuya and Aku, I seen them talking.

I interrupted their conversation and explained what just happened, they both wore shocked expressions, "she didn't chase you?"

"What good is a name like 'Hunting Dogs' if you're not going to chase someone sus?" Aku asked then coughed in his hand.

"You should go tell Mori." Chuuya said, turning his attention to me.

"I will but not now."

"If you wait you know he'll get mad." He said, crossing his arms.

I nodded, "right."

I walked to my fathers office, ready to hear him lecture me about reading an enemy and their movements, I sighed as I opened the door to see the girl from the other day.

She turned around to see me as Mori's back was turned to us, "oh...hello."

I said nothing in response but looked at her, "sorry but what's your name again? I forgot." She said, in a cutesy tone which for some reason pissed me off.

To me, I saw as one of those girls who always try to get with someone mans. I've seen it plenty of times being Dazai's girlfriend. Although he never seemed to acknowledge them, which made me happy.


"Y/n? That doesn't really suit your face."

Okay so if this bitch says some more bullshit, I am at full liberty to punch the shit out of her, right?

"Suit my face?" What the fuck does that even mean?!

"Yea, you don't really look like a Y/n."

How exactly am I able to control how I look?

"I see, what's your name again? I have a tendency to forget people who aren't relevant." I smiled.

"Rebecca." She smiled as if it didn't bother her, which pissed me off even more. She held out her hand offering a handshake, which I declined.

Mori turned back around, "girls, let's not argue please. I'm trying to do something."

Kinda late but alright.



"Don't act like I don't know what you just thought. 'Kinda late but whatever' right?"

I smiled, "of course sir."

"You sure treat your daughter with a lot of respect Ogai-san."

Okay, so who the actual fuck does she think she is? Calling MY father by his first name?! That's hands. Let me catch you slipping bi-

"I do, she's one of the most dangerous members of the mafia. She's as strong as they come."

Did he just totally excuse the fact this blonde headed bimbo addressed him as something other than 'Boss'?

"I see. She doesn't look like much up close though." She said eyeing me.

I felt myself twitch, "neither do you, so I wouldn't be talking." I said sweetly

There was silence but Rebecca and I glared at each other,

Mori seemed to notice and intervened the best way he thought of, "Y/n, what did you need?"

I cleared my throat, "I needed to tell you about the Hunting Dogs."

"Oh I see, take a seat and go ahead."

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