Baby Shower

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Your P.O.V.
I started staying at home way more often as the pregnancy moved forward, Dazai managed to find a way to communicate with his coworkers.

Months later, Fyodor and Nikolai were caught and apprehended by the police, or at least so Dazai claimed. The rats soon were snuffed out.

Everything in the city went back to normal. It was at peace once again.

News of my pregnancy ran through the grapevine so I expected assassination attempts, fortunately nothing ever happened.

Dazai, despite being a lazy man, made sure to get me to my doctors appointment 45 minutes early. He was really excited about the baby. We had the opportunity to find out the gender and we denied it. Dazai, surprisingly left Chuuya and Akutagawa along with Kunikida in charge of the baby shower.

-the day of the baby shower-

"Love, if you don't wake up, we're going to be late." Dazai pushed on me gently, he kissed my head then pulled the covers off me.

I groaned softly then sat up and rubbed my eyes, "I'm up." I whimpered at the loss of my sleep

"Good girl, I'll make you toast and then you get ready okay?"

I nodded and soon Dazai came back with toast, "you only know how to make toast?"

"Shut up and eat." He said, obviously dodging the question.

"When the baby comes, you're learning how to cook."

He smiled then gave a nod. I ate then got up and brushed my teeth. I got dressed and we headed to the location we were given.

When we arrived, we were escorted inside by mafiosos. Inside, the entire Agency was there along with my father and Elise, B/f and my two favorite executives, and last but not least Gin, Tachihara and Higuchi.

I sat down tiredly, then Chuuya came up to me, he smiled before saying, "did you find out when they're due?"

"In late July."

His smile grew before getting on a knee and touching my rounded stomach, "so like- am I really going to be an uncle?"

"Yes of course." I ruffled his hair before he stood back up.

Akutagawa soon approached us as well, "never did i ever imagine I would be in charge of getting a cake made."

"Shut up, I was in charge of the fucking balloons, do you guys like not trust me?" Tachihara complained, squeezing Gin's hand.

"Tachi, shut up. You did a good job picking out the balloons." She comforted him before Chuuya stepped in and pointed at one of the balloons, "that bitch got a 'happy birthday' balloon don't tell him that he did good."

Akutagawa gave a faint chuckle before looking down at me, "are you okay?"

"Mm." I nodded before Higuchi handed me a glass of water, "you look pale."

"Well, the fear of actually having a child is really catching up with me."

"Good point." She nodded, "if you ever need anything, anything at all I'm here for you senpai."

"Thank you Higuchi." I smiled

Someone put their hands lightly on my shoulders, I looked up to see Dazai, he beamed down at me before placing a tiny kiss on my lips.

Later, the gender was about to finally be revealed. Something I wasn't used to seeing was the cake itself actually revealing it, which I guess that was what Aku planned.

I told Dazai to cut it because I didn't want to get up, he eagerly went up to the cake and grabbed the knife, cutting into it.

Everyone waited in anticipation, Dazai turned before stepping aside, the inside of the cake was blue, meaning a boy.

"We're having a boy." He smiled at me

His face looked so happy, I couldn't help but smile as well. Everyone clapped and Chuuya, who was already drunk, cheered.

A few days after the baby shower, I told Dazai I wanted to see Fyodor and Nikolai.

"I kept this from you but the two weren't actually locked up. Since the police couldn't prove their ties to the rats they were let go."

I looked at him in disbelief, "you waited this long to tell me?"

"I didn't want you to stress about their safety. We exchanged phone numbers so they could keep tabs on you and your condition, they know the child will be a boy as well. If you want to see them, I'll call the two right now."

I smiled before nodding, Dazai placed a kiss on my head then walked out of the room. After a few minutes he came back, "they'll be here in 15 minutes."

We decided to just pass the time watching a movie, a knock was heard at the door and soon 2 more figures entered the room.

Fyodor, who was actually smiling, came to my bedside while Niko followed.

"You're doing well?"

"Yea." I nodded before looking at Nikolai. He beamed down at me.

Dazai's P.O.V.
I watched as Y/n looked at Nikolai, then he pulled her into a hug. I glared at Fyodor while he covered his mouth with an "What? I didn't plan this" sarcastic expression.

Nikolai let her go before kissing her forehead, as I was about to step in, he said, "I'm so happy for you N/n. You and Dazai will be great parents!"

I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at him, the feeling of surprise painted my face.

How could he smile and say those words?
i decided to do a big time skip mainly because i plan on ending the book soon. so sorry if this was a sloppy chapter, i do think this was all over the place. also with the cake, the blue color was used from food coloring, i've never seen it done so i thought it would be cute. i've also never attended a baby shower so i'm not really sure wtf i'm supposed to write

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