To You, I Adore (Valentine's Day Special)

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Your P.O.V.
I dialed Dazai, I couldn't stand. I could barely move. I went on a mission. One that shouldn't of required so much work, but I ended up running into the boss of the organization I was infiltrating.

Although he did manage to get away. I got hurt pretty badly. 2 of my ribs were broken, my right wrist was fractured, my legs were battered and bruised. I couldn't feel anything, I placed the phone up to my ear when I heard Dazai,



"Y/n? What's wrong?"

"I went on..." my voice trailed off as I tried to pull myself up, letting out a pained whimper, "a mission, I hurt myself."

"Where are you?!" His voice now full of concerned.

I gave him the address and not even 10 minutes later he ran towards me, he dropped to his knees and buried his face in my shoulder, "Y/n, are you alright?" His voice was muffled.

I shook my head and pointed to all the places that hurt, Dazai felt around his pockets and took out a little packet of tissues, "what the fuck is that for?" I asked annoyed due to how much pain my body was in.

He said nothing, he started to use one of the tissues to dab my bloodied face, cleaning it. I closed my eyes and allowed him to, then I felt him pull away a minute or two later.

"I'll call Mori." I said reaching for the phone, I couldn't reach it, it hurt too much to try. Dazai grabbed it instead, dialing Mori, then began talking,

"Mori, it's Dazai. She's hurt. Track the phone and meet us here immediately."

His tone wasn't like it usually was, the usual cheerful and playful tone was gone, he was completely serious, stone faced. Once he hung up the phone he turned to me, "is he still alive?"

The gleam in his eyes was completely gone, he stared at me with an angry glare, I nodded, pointing in the direction he ran in. Dazai stood and began searching for clues or something he left behind.

Even if no one else could, I could read Dazai like an open book, he never once liked seeing me sad nor hurt. In fact, every time a mafia member under him dared to even speak to me in an ill manner Dazai either did something to them or had something done to them. It went from just a regular ass whooping to more extreme things, like torture and even murder. Despite all that Dazai never liked showing me this side of him. He thinks it's ugly and wishes I never see it, but I have on multiple different occasions.

He walked back over to me then pulled me into his chest, "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Not being able to protect you." His voice sounded soft, as if he was disappointed with something.

"Dazai." I pulled away from him, put my hand in his beautiful brown hair, smiled then said, "there was nothing you could do. You're doing the best you can now and that's what really matters."

"Y/n." His eyes were glued to the ground, then we heard a car pulled up.

"Y/n!" A man called out, Mori.

"Over here!"

He ran towards me, like Dazai did before, he immediately dropped to his knees, "where does it hurt?"

Once again, I pointed to the places. Mori and Dazai had helped me get to the car and Mori drove us back to hq. Chuuya and Aku soon pitched in as well, they got me to a room where Mori usually helps other mafiosos with wounds and other treatments.

They laid me on the operation table then the 3 of them left, leaving Mori and I alone.

"You'll be out of commission for a few weeks maybe even months."

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