Don't lose hope.

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Dazai's P.O.V.
I woke up to no one beside me,

"Just like her." I mumbled

Y/n was gone, she must've went to work or something else. As I sat up, I heard the door open, Y/n appeared in the doorway then sighed heavily,

"You alright?" I asked, she looked stressed. I said nothing else but held out my arms to her, "come here."

She walked over to me and hugged me. She rested her head on my chest, "now what's wrong?"

"Too much is going on. I'm not sure my body is going to be able to keep up. I'm only human after all."

"I see. There is a lot going on due to a Fyodor and the rats. Where did you go this morning?"

She looked up at me, "there was an executive meeting."

"I thought they don't meet often."

"After your disappearance they happened a lot more."

"Really now?" I said curiously.

" you really think we have the power to win? We have much more power than the rats but they're not just relying on power, if they can catch up to us in power then it's over."

"As long as we have our ace, yes. Don't lose hope." I ran my fingers through her hair, she was right, the rats were going to be a hard opponent, sacrifices were going to be made.

Being an ex-mafioso gave me a lot of insight to the underworld and how they run. I knew many would die, I knew many would get injured. I just didn't want Y/n to be one of them.

It was silent then she said, "what if we have to fight again?"

That was a possibility, we're on different sides. However both sides want to protect the same thing, I shook my head, "I don't see that happening." I lied as I cracked a smile.

She shouldn't have to worry about anything else right now, she needs to focus on the rats and solely on the rats. She closed her eyes and completely relaxed, "Hey Y/n, when's the last time you slept?"

"It's been days."

I laid back down, bringing her with me, I smiled, "okay let's go to sleep then."

"Dazai, we should work, we have to-"

I cut her off by kissing her, "it's okay, once we wake up we'll work. I promise." I held my pinky finger out to her.

We made a pinky promise and she laid on top of me, her arms wrapped around my neck, my arms around her waist, and we just laid there.

It felt like time flew by before we both fell asleep, I'd peek at the time every now and then.

"Dazai." I opened an eye to see Y/n sitting on top of me, pulling at my collar. I groaned then smirked. Before she could react I turned over, letting her fall under me. Her face reddened and she began to lightly hit me.

I chuckled then planted my arms on the bed, "Dazai! Get off of me you pervert!"

I laughed again then used my right hand to lift her chin up to look me in my eyes, I leaned down and whispered seductively in her ear, "hmm~ you want to get off~ are you sure~"

I heard a cute little groan come out of her mouth, I smiled then lifted myself up, "you're so cute."

"I hate you." She said, I sat on my legs while her legs were pinned behind my back. "Stop! We have to work!"

"But why now? We don't ever get time to ourselves anymore."

"Dazai!" She was getting more serious, she began to hit me harder, this time she aimed for my face. I dodged them laughed as I pinned her to the bed once more.

"Osamu!" Now I know for sure I was in trouble, she only called me by my first name when she was angry with me. This time she didn't hold back, she hit me in the jaw and I flew back into the wall.

"Ow~"  I said playfully, I enjoyed when we had time like this, just where it's the two of us messing around like this, her expressing her feelings. It made me happy.

Her blush faded then she giggled, she started laughing at me on the floor holding the part of my face she had hit. I began laughing as well, "you're no fair." She said over her laughter.

I got up and brushed myself off, I walked back over to the bed and laid on her chest, "I love you, I really do. Please don't forget that."

"I love you too, Osamu Dazai." She said in a annoyed tone, I was guessing she wasn't through with punishing me. But of course I wouldn't want my Y/n any other way.

"Y/n..." my voice was soft, she was the only person to know literally everything about me. From my background to my physical features, like my weight and height.

"Yes?" She responded, running her fingers through my hair, her favorite thing about me according to her has always been my smile and my hair.

"Please don't leave me."

"What? left me first of all, if you don't like me leaving without telling you, I won't."

"No I mean in general, I love you. So promise you won't leave me."

"I, Y/n L/n, vow that I will never leave Osamu Dazai's side." She laughed, I felt her heartbeat speed up.

I smiled, then lifted myself up, "alright! Let's get to work!" I kissed her then rolled over and pulled out my laptop. I handed Y/n her laptop.

After a few minutes of hearing nothing but our fingers hit the keys, she grabbed my hand and said completely nonchalant, "should I try to hack the rats system?"

I laughed and she looked on dead serious, "you won't pussy!" I teased.

She said nothing else but began typing, still holding my hand, "done."

"Wait what. You're joking right?"

She turned her laptop, revealing files, "no."
hey. i'm slowing getting better but here's another chapter, it's not proofread.

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