Drinking Contest

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Your P.O.V.
The blond man sat in front of me, he inhaled then opened his eyes to look at me, "so what's the rules?" I asked, a bit lightheaded from all the drinking I've already done.

"How about when you finish one bottle you have to balance it on your head for 3 seconds before you can continue?"

I clapped, "you sure know how to make things interesting~!"

We were handled one bottle each, after they set 10 bottles beside each of us, I looked at the man, "ready?"

They had already taken the caps off, so it'll be easier to do. He nodded, the older bartender held a hand up, "Go!" He slammed his hand in the table as a signal to start.

I opened my eyes to see the man cringing at the taste, but not giving up. I smiled at that, I finished my bottle like .2 seconds before he did, I placed it on my head and watched him do the same thing.

The people around us began to count, "1...2...3!"

He put the bottle next to him before starting a new one, I did the same. I decided I was going to go at a faster pace, so I began speeding up my drinking speed. I finished another bottle before he was half way done with his.

I placed it on my head and attempted to balance it, "1...2...3!"

I hiccuped as the bottle fell off my head but before it could fall to the floor, I caught it. I placed it to the side of finished bottles and grabbed another one.

The man started on his new bottle as well, however he couldn't balance it due to his constant hiccuping.

"Damn hiccups!" He hiccuped again

I chuckled to myself, "they're the worst aren't they?"

He nodded before placing the bottle back on his head.

I began to drink again, downing the bottle quickly to catch up. I placed it on my head,


I took it off and started on a new bottle, I hiccuped, then starting coughing, B/f tapped my shoulder, "Are you alright?"

"I just swallowed wrong." (happens to the best of us😭)

B/f's P.O.V.
I watched Y/n during the whole contest, I knew with each bottle she was getting closer and closer to her limit. Her cheeks were getting more and more red and her body language is far too relaxed.

She seemed to be having fun though, I wonder who this man was...I began to eye him,

He did look familiar, I heard Y/n giggle. My attention turned towards her, "Boo!"

I flew back as she got close to my face, I fell to the floor, she laughed, "y u fall doe?"

I stood up and noticed the man was already done, the man claimed the victory...wait what?!

He beat Y/n?! In a drinking contest no less?!!

She must've let him win, I began to think about where we have seen him before, "choo choo!" Y/n said before wrapping her hands around my neck, I sighed then picked her up,

"That's your girlfriend?"

"No she's a close friend." I chuckled nervously, where have we seen this guy before? It's starting to bother me!

"Well, when she's sober, do tell her I had a nice time drinking with her."

"Yes of course."

"Home~! Home!" Y/n moved up and down, almost making me fall over, "Okay, okay, we're going home. But stop moving like that, you're heavy y'know!"

She stuck her tongue out as we began to leave, "barkeep, can we get you next time?"

The old man waved, "yes of course. Have a good day now."

"Thank you sir." I opened the door and exited the bar.

"I can't believe you lost a drinking contest." I looked back at her, her eyes were closed but she looked mad.

"Oh~? Are you a sore loser?"

"No, I lost on purpose." She said in a normal tone, "I'm not even drunk yet and that's pissing me off."

"Why did you lose?"

"You're telling me you don't recognize him?"

"I do, but I can't remember where."

"That's Yukito, a wide known detective. I can't afford to be arrested you know."

"Yukito?! Like the Yukito?"

"Yes, the Yukito." She rolled her eyes and pulled away from me, I bent over a bit to let her feet touch the ground, "right when I was having fun to."

I sighed then smacked the back of her head, "ow! The fuck-"

"You're so reckless!" I yelled, cutting her off
it's fine if you don't know who yukito is, he's out of character anyway, he is maybe not a new but still a character in a light novel. i couldn't think of some other person to do it so- we chilling😎

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