Maybe He Isn't That Bad

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**okay for the people who skipped the last chapter based off the somewhat tw i gave, the start of the chapter mori and b/n speaking about y/n and dazai's relationship, further down the line b/n leaves to the bathroom where he has a semi psychotic breakdown, he's found in the bathroom later by sigma and a female guard after mori told him to go look for b/n

3rd Person P.O.V.
For the next few weeks Sigma visited Mori on B/n's behalf. The older man went the extra mile to write down things to avoid and things to give B/n medicine wise.

"You seem as if you really care about him."

"He's my daughter's brother, whether he likes it or not, we're family."

Sigma gave a soft smile, "I never asked you this before because at first it was more friendly but you like him, don't you?"

The young man's face flushed, "We're just friends! I don't know what you're referring to. I was just let out to be his maid so I come and go whenever he wants me to. Besides I'm sure he's not into me...even if I did like him tho!"

Mori chuckled at the display, "It's not hard to tell with you young ones these days, Dazai wasn't good at hiding his crush on Y/n either."

"Do you think they're okay?"

"Yes." Mori let his head rest against the cool wall of his cell, "I raised Dazai for a situation like this and although he wouldn't want to take my place..." His voice trailed off as an amused smile tugged at his lips, "He'd do anything for her. Even if it meant going against his own morals."

"He seems like a nice boyfriend."

"I suppose he is, I wasn't too happy when I found out she was pregnant." Memories of the mafia and the people he's met throughout his life filled his head, he smiled fondly remembering them.

"She got pregnant?"

Mori nodded before turning his attention to the door, "Someone's coming."

Sigma turned around in his chair as the door knob rattled, B/n stood in the doorway. Sigma jumped up from his seat and rushed over to him, "Why aren't you in bed?"

"Got bored."

"You're supposed to be recovering!"

"Didn't feel like it."

As Sigma was scolding him, Mori watched and started laughing, "My first assumption was that you guys were the same but you're actually total opposites."

B/n sat in the chair as Sigma huffed and turned away from him, "You told Sigma how to care for me?"

"Perhaps, why do you ask?"

"Maybe I did misjudge you."

"Oh yea? Maybe you did."

"Why did you help me?"

"Why is it important?"

"It wounds my pride to know a prisoner went out of his way to help me recover...somewhat."

"That's why you should be in bed continuing to recover but whatever, don't listen to Sigma." Sigma rolled his eyes and sat on the floor.

"He's right. You shouldn't be out of bed quite yet."

"I felt motivated to come by and get your motive for helping me. Do you think I'll let you go because you helped me?"

"Not at all."

"Then why did you do it?"

"Because we're family, even if we aren't directly blood related. On top of that, I'm a doctor, it's my job to help people, wouldn't you agree?"

B/n looked him up and down suspecting another motive, he turned his head to Sigma who smiled and nodded, "He's a good guy B/n, try giving him a chance instead of hating him because your sister likes him."

B/n gave a sigh before leaning back in the chair, "Fine."

Mori rested his head against the wall, "What do you like to do for fun?"

The young h/c man looked at him suspiciously once again but muttered, "Reading."

"Oh? You're a reader are you? That's nice, I like to read too. What are some of your favorite books?"

After a much in depth conversation about different books they've read, Sigma seemed really happy the two were getting along.

He thought to himself, "Maybe this'll bring him and his sister closer as well."

"Also back to what happened with me, how did you know to tell Sigma to look for me?"

"I know when someone is struggling with health issues, although I don't know exactly what kind, I do believe you're in need of some form of help. I'm willing to take a look at you if you'd let me."

B/n's eyes narrowed at the older man suspiciously again, Mori noticed this but continued speaking, "You're suspicious of everyone around you by instinct, aren't you?"

The young man nodded slowly, "I see. That's why you keep giving me that look when I say something about helping you."

Mori smiled at B/n, "But you should know not everyone in this world is out to hurt you."

"You shouldn't let him look at you, he'll be grossed out about what he finds."

"You can start by telling me a few of your symptoms, only if you're comfortable with it."

B/n stayed silent for a moment then mumbled the word, "Hallucinations."

"What kind of hallucinations?"

"I hear voices and see younger versions of my sister..." His voice trailed off.

"Okay, this is good progress already. Despite your suspicions about me, you're extremely trusting."

He averted his gaze, almost embarrassed by what the man said.

"I can't diagnose you with anything quite yet, is there any else you constantly hear or see, maybe you taste something that others don't?"

The young man shrugged slightly, not completely understanding the question.

"He wants out."

"That's all he wants."

"He doesn't care about you."

"Don't tell him anything."

"Shut up." He said under his breath.

"What was that?" Mori inquired, inching closer to the front of the cell, "You said you hear voices? Are you hearing them now?"

He gave a slight nod before looking at Sigma, who had a concerned look on his face. He immediately looked away, embarrassed.

His brain was going through many different thoughts at the same time, so many he began to hear himself thinking them, "He's not bad. He won't hurt me. He's trying to help. Please. I need help. Help me."
hihi sorry this chapter took a little longer to get out, i was originally going to finish it and post it yesterday but i ended up busy, hope you enjoy

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