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Your P.O.V.
I woke up with a headache, I turned to see Author-Chan laying beside me, drooling slightly. Her arm was draped lazily over my waist before she groaned then turned over.

I gave a light chuckle before getting up and looking for Dazai, until I tripped over something. Crashing to floor, Author-Chan sprung up to see me on the cool floor in front of a sleeping Dazai.

She immediately looked away with a concerned expression but turned on hunter hunter and began to simp for Hisoka.

I pulled Dazai's hair before he opened an eye to glare at me, "What?"

"I tripped over you, assclown!"

"Sucks to suck."

We both had came to same realization, looking at each other and immediately scrambling to get up, "HARUKI!"

Author-Chan waved before we hurried to pull our shoes on then slammed the door behind us.

We took off to mafia headquarters, in search of Mori. I kicked his door down before seeing little Haruki playing with Elise. Dazai and I instantly let out a relieved sigh.

Dazai thanked Mori for taking care of him before explaining what had happened while I took the baby in my arms. He smiled before playing with my h/c hair.

Dazai kissed my cheek before we made our way home with our child. "Call Author-Chan and tell her we're sorry for leaving like that."

"You know what I can't believe...the fact she's not just dating one of them...BUT BOTH OF THEM!" Dazai said with a look of dissatisfaction.

"She's really pretty, I'm sure she just couldn't chose between them so they decided to share or something." (just had to hype myself up, i need it.)

"How would sex work? Do they take turns or at the same time...?" I hit Dazai, "why don't you worry about us instead of how others have sex you pervert."

"You can't tell me you're not curious!"

"I'm not. That's not my business, like it's not yours." I poked his forehead, "besides I personally think if she wanted to have sex with anyone it's be that Hisoka guy."

"You know he's a pedophile right?" (not sure if this is considered a spoiler but come on- we ALL knew)


"Well yea, he has a thing for that Gon kid or something like that."

I blinked a few times, waiting for the joke to be over, Dazai had a serious look on his face so I could tell he wasn't joking, "so her taste is..." my voice trailed off

"If she's dating Nikolai and Fyodor...her taste is GARBAGE."

"Okay first of all, both are extremely attractive, if we went on looks alone they easily tie with you. Not everyone sees the good in you like I do."

"Yes of course~" he kissed my head before we made it home.

Fyodor's P.O.V.
Nikolai's arms were wrapped around me(fyodor is a bottom i don't take criticism) as the both of us were tangled in the sheets, we were quite used to Author-Chan not sleeping in bed with us because she mainly stayed up all night watching anime.

"Niko." I called out.

He grunted before moving his face into my shoulder, "Niko. It's time to get up." I said more sternly, his grip tightened then I felt something bite down on my ear, Nikolai smiled before kissing my neck, "5 more minutes."

I sat there for the next 5 minutes flustered before I heard something in the kitchen, I got up and walked down the hall. Author-Chan was about to make instant noodles before I took them from her.

"Hey!" She said looking at me then immediately turned away with a reddened face, "what's the matter?" I leaned over to try and get a response before I realized I was in just underwear.

"Oh, would you like me to put some clothes on?"

After gaining some courage, she turned around and placed her cold hands on my bare stomach which caused to shy away instinctively. "I didn't think you were so fit." She said running her hands up and down my chest.

She had a bright smile on her face and I leaned down a bit to press my lips against hers. She wrapped her arms around my neck to deepen the kiss before I felt two hands on my hips. Nikolai began to run his hands down my arms and back while resting his head against my shoulder.

Author-Chan giggled before giving Nikolai a "good morning" kiss as well, "anyway." She started

"Gimme back my noodles!"

"No, I'll cook you breakfast." I objected, holding the styrofoam cup above my head, causing her to jump to try and reach it.

When she finally gave up, she crossed her arms before mumbling, "I hate it here."
no cap i have my doubts about hisoka being a full fledged pedophile because to me it seems he's more attracted to power more than anything but he do be a lil pedophilish😳

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