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Nikolai's P.O.V.
I looked up from my phone, "AUTHOR-CHAN!" I yelled out from the room.

Her and Fyodor should be on the couch watching anime, like always. She was a couch potato with hardly a life.(self diss😔)

I got up and walked to the hallway, peeking at the couch. I didn't see either of them. I walked out further and see Fyodor shirtless on the floor and Author-Chan panting in front of him.

I blinked a few times before walking towards the two. "So we're having finally sex and y'all decide to start without me?" I said dramatically.

Author-Chan looked at me out of breath and sweating. "My body...it hurts."

Fyodor looked away before sighing before looking at me, "she's trying to get back into shape."

She laid out on the floor, still trying to catch her breath. I smiled before tossing my shirt to the side, "Alright. Five minute break then up and at em!"

"No..." she pouted. "Please no more. I'm gonna die."

"Well, if you didn't eat nothing but junk food maybe you wouldn't need to 'get into shape', besides I think you're cute the way you are."

She shot up and threw her arms around me, "Great! That was all I needed! No more workouts for meeee~!" She said before trying to get up, Fyodor pushed her back down to her knees. "Oh sweetie, yes you're gorgeous the way you are now...but getting in shape isn't bad, you can't even lift a 20 pound weight without struggling."

"Whaaaat? Not me. Could never." She sighed before finally giving up. "I just think it's bullshit how you guys literally look like THAT." She said pointing out our toned bodies.

I smiled before pressing my chest against her back, "Ooo~ intriguing, keep going."

"Like seriously, y'all really need to spill the secret." She huffed before crossing her arms.

Fyodor leaned in then chuckled, "the secret is working out."

"Couldn't be! Liar!" She shook her head before looking at me, practically asking me to defend her.

"I mean, I gain weight just by drinking water." I chimed in, my fingers tapped against her shoulders. "And my routine is far stricter than Dos'~"

She looked defeated before sighing deeply, "Okay...fine."

Fyodor stood up and began to move into a lunge, we followed his lead and began to finish the workout session.

Later, Author-Chan's dark brown hair stuck to her neck from the sweating, she began to complain again, "First of all, this is bullshit. I don't sweat so I don't know what's going on here."

I gave a chuckle before wiping myself down with a towel, she stared at the two of us in awe. Her eyes were locked on our every move.

"You like what you see~?" I teased, her face flushed red before she turned away shaking her head at a rapid speed, "What are you talking about? See what? I can't see! Who can see? Not I."

Fyodor let a laugh escape his lips before contributing to the conversation, "You're cute when you're flustered."

"Who's flustered? I would never." She turned her head before running the towel through her hair, the two of us gave each other a look before smirking.

I stood up and linked arms with Fyodor, "Dos and I are going to take a shower."

"T-Together?" I began to do the (👉🏻👈🏻) thing as she stared at the two of us, "Something wrong with that? Or would you like to join us?" Fyodor now smiled gently before opening his eyes to reveal a devilish smirk.

"I-...uh...I'm- I'm gOoD. Th-ThaNk YooU." She was speaking as if she was processing things (because we all know i ✨was✨)

Both of us shared a chuckle before continuing to tease her, "Are you sure you don't want to join us?"

"No SiR. I wiLl Be SiTTinG HeRe ReAdiNg...ManGa..." She nodded slowly as if she came up with that on the spot.

Fyodor and I shared a look before walking to the bathroom. He closed the door behind us as we both began to muffle our laughs. I turned the shower on.

3rd Person P.O.V.
Author-Chan sat there, dazed. She picked up her phone before opening it and going to a private browser(i think you know where this about to go🥰)

She went to Mangago(👀 oh shit)  and then started reading yaoi while the voices of her boyfriends where still fresh in her mind.

As she was reading, she began to daydream of her boyfriends doing the actions. A very strange sound was heard that took her out of La-La-Land.

She heard it again and it was a specific noise. She ran to the bathroom and pressed her ear against it, listening for it again.

Little did she know, the two boys were standing on the other side of the door, purposely making said noises.
this is kinda like a filler chapter because i have literally no ideas that can go with the main storyline rn. but we chilling, i also wanted to write more about me and my boyfriends😈

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